Gryphon Theatre, 22 Ghuznee Street, Wellington
10/12/2013 - 13/12/2013
Production Details
Yuletide laughs!
Wellington Improvisation Troupe (WIT) is proud to present another season of its successful ‘Christmas Cracker’ mix of improvised comedy shows. This year sees seven shows selected from WITs ten years of performing improvised comedy in Wellington.
So for some laughs leading into the Xmas season, come along to the Gryphon Theatre December 10th to 13th and see what is inside the cracker!
Proudly presented by the team that brought you ‘Thrills & Swoon’ (“…a happy blend of celebration and satire. Recommended” – Theatre Review), the Improv Divas, ‘The Young & The Witless’, ‘Love Possibly ‘ and a few other shows in the last ten years.
Battle of WITs
Tues 10 Dec, 7:00pm
Hot team on team all-in all-out over the top improv action! Teams of intrepid improvisers will battle it out to be crowned the champions. Choose your favourites and help them vanquish all rivals. The show that started it all!
Thrills & Swoon
Tues 10 Dec, 8:30pm
Quivering bodices. Dark brooding eyes. Unbridled passion. Inspired by the romance novels you pretend not to read, stories and scenes will be created on the spot, as fresh as an innocent flower waiting to be plucked. As seen at NZ International Comedy Festival 2013.
Wed 11 Dec, 7pm
It’s the law of the jungle as a crew of seasoned improvisers take turns directing their opponents – creating scenes, stories, sagas or songs before your eyes in a bid to win your approval. And bananas. And one unusually personable Gorilla.
Wed 11 Dec, 8.30pm
Two improvisors. One stage. No limits. Three pairs will take to the stage with only each other to rely on, and no limits to where the improv takes them. A different trio of storytelling duets every show.
Divas Reunited
Thurs 12 Dec, 7pm
The Improv Divas performed their first WIT show back in 2004, and since then some amazing performers have been part of this iconic group. Enjoy some of the best of the best on stage in a special reunion show!
Love Possibly
Thurs 12 Dec, 8.30pm
Will there be love? Well, uh, possibly. There’ll likely be love, laughter, betrayal, awkwardness and any number of other human conditions, pinned to the stage like sparkly butterflies for dissection with a sharp improv knife. An original Improv Divas format.
Micetro Xmas Special
Fri 13 Dec, 7pm
A raucous evening of spontaneity mixing beloved improv games, charismatic humility, and audience suggestions to create an utterly unique night of entertainment that will never be seen again!
Celebrating WIT’s 10th birthday!
WIT presents A Christmas Cracker
Tuesday 10 – Friday 13 December at Gryphon Theatre
Battle of WITs:
Big Red Box:
Phil Anderson
Wiremu Tuhiwai
Maggie Cargill
Annika Naschitzki
Nibbles and Bones:
Christine Brooks
Joshua O'Connor
Jay Doves:
Brenton Hodgson
Kate Zabranski
Evan Davies
Anrik Drenth
Hosted by Kate Wilson
Music by Erin Upjohn-Beatson
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Thrills & Swoon
Christine Brooks (director/author)
Jen O'Sullivan
Nicola Pauling
Amy Williamson
Steven Youngblood
Barry Miskimmin
Adam Williamson
Gorilla Theatre
Jennifer O'Sullivan
Geoff Simmons
Maggie Cargill
Lyndon Hood
Host: Ali Little
Drucilla: Brenton Hodgson
Steve and Jen Break Improv (Steven Youngblood and Jennifer O'Sullivan)
Geoff and Barry Are Good Keen Southern Men (Geoff Simmons and Barry Miskimmin)
Anton and Lyndon Are Masked (Anton van Helden and Lyndon Hood)
Ali and Tai Play With Tables and Chairs (Ali Little and Tai Samaeli)
Divas Reunited
Christine Brooks
Jennifer O'Sullivan
Kirstin Price
Mary Little
Kate Zabranski
Love Possibly
Barry Miskimmin
Christine Brooks
Jennifer O'Sullivan
Kirstin Price
Steven Youngblood
Anton van Helden
Micetro Christmas Special
A cast of thousands - about 25 people, including:
Phil Anderson
Maggie Cargill
Lyndon Hood
Mark Ryan
Jennifer O'Sullivan
Belle Harrison
Ali Little
Brenton Hodgson
Josh O'Connor
Christine Brooks
Joe Davey
Gitta Majumder
Wiremu Tuhiwai
Mr X (Secret guest player)
Damien Skinner
Barin Das
Pete Dorn
Adam Williamson
Geoff Simmons
Theatre , Improv ,
Lively skills tested in jeopardy
Review by John Smythe 11th Dec 2013
The Wellington Improvisation Troupe (WIT) is celebrating its 10th birthday and the festive season with a festival of formats: seven over four days (full details on the production page).
The opening night (Tuesday) kicks off with Battle of WITs, the first format they played with all those years ago. This night three teams – The Big red Box, Jay Doves and Nibbles & Bones – compete in a Blind Round (categories drawn from a hat), a Team Choice, a Team Challenge and an MC Challenge. The MC is Kate Wilson.
When three players ‘Speak in One Voice’ in an interview about Stamp Collecting (from an audience ask-for), the strategy of repeating the question in unison gets them going but they invariably fizzle out into gobbledegook. Yet a brilliant tag line emerges from their having said, nonsensically, that stamp collecting was “like boning”. Asked which part was like that, they managed: “The sticky part.” B-boom.
We get an ‘Epic Poem’ about The Day Annette Became a Police Person and the Blind Round winner is an enacted tale in ‘Song’ about a shipwreck that kept two people apart, until it didn’t.
The same team – Nibbles & Bones, comprising the extremely experienced Christine Brooks and fresh newcomer Josh O’Connor – chooses a ‘Ballet’ scene which we decree will be about a giraffe and a pineapple. O’Connor’s solo dance, narrated by Brooks and with Wiremu (Woody) Tuhiwai stepping in as the pineapple, is the highlight of the night.
Again they beat the other offerings of The Big Red Box’s ‘Slo Mo’ Santa Parade in Aro Valley and Jay Doves ‘Dispensing Advice’ on Shoes – and The Big Red Box is eliminated.
But, proving even the most seasoned practitioner can slip from the high-wire of improv, Brooks is all over the place when Nibbles & Bones are challenged to ‘play each other’ on a night they go to visit the in-laws. Unaccountably the audience applause-o-meter vote still scores them higher than the cool little drama played out by Jay Doves in the ‘hot centre of the Earth’.
When the MC Challenges Jay Doves to use The Big Red Box as inanimate objects in an asked-for scene about a new Countdown opening tomorrow, the result is humdrum. Nibbles & Bones get lucky, however, when, challenged to ‘incorporate someone from the audience’, they pick a young man called Duncan, who reveals he’s always wanted to see a story about people making a herb garden. Despite their woeful showing in the Herb-naming competition he initiates, they win the round and the night.
The risk and jeopardy inherent in the Battle of WITs format ensures there is entertainment to be generated from failure as well as success.
Opening night’s second show is Thrills & Swoon which had its first outing last May (see my review here). Christine Brooks reprises her highly imaginative romance writer, Chandice Le Roux and accepts our requests for her to incorporate ‘hot breath’, ‘petals of desire’, heaving bosoms’ and ‘firmly muscled manly thighs’.
Again our calling out first pet names and the first street we lived in produces some stirring character names: Champ Seymour, Monty Homebush, Murphy Monroe, Tiffany Fulsome … And again Chandice’s imagination manifests in the forms of Jennifer O’Sullivan, Barry Miskimmin, Nicola Pauling, Amy Williamson, Adam Williamson and Steven Youngblood.
Youngblood’s Monty Homebush becomes a timid accountant under the thumb of his overbearing Father (Miskimmin). Nevertheless when his eyes meet those of Pauling’s cleaner, Tiffany Fulsome … A sweet scenario plays out over a number of scenes, interspersed by others (Chandice has multiple pots on the boil at once).
The ‘Cover pose’ we pick from a lineup, adding that the story must involve ‘a fake marriage for immigration purposes’, finds O’Sullivan bringing a brilliantly brutal accent to would-be immigrant from South Africa, Ursula, who is discovering her marriage-of-convenience to Gerard (Adam Williamson) has become complicated by love …
Then there is the love triangle involving Daniel (Youngblood), Dakota (Pauling) and her heaving-bosomed sister Louise (Amy Williamson) – and this is the one, I think, where extra-terrestrial ancestry, dual pregnancy and a curse come into play …
Amy Williamson also pitches for the raw accent award with Kangaroo Glaze, a Sheila who doesn’t like being left. And another interlude involves all the players reading random sentences from the Mills & Boons that litter Chandice’s desk, to stitch together a brand new story.
It all ends with a kiss, of course … Call me an old romantic but Thrills & Swoon is a winning a format for me.
Over the next few nights at the Gryphon, the Wellington Improvisation Troupe (WIT) will be presenting Gorilla (Wed, 7pm), Duets (Wed, 8.30pm), Divas ReUnited (Thurs, 7pm), Love Possibly (Thurs, 8.30pm) and Micetro Showdown (Fri, 7pm). They are a lively group of skill improvisers: see for yourself.
Copyright © in the review belongs to the reviewer
