The Quarter Quell

BATS Theatre, The Dome, 1 Kent Tce, Wellington

13/08/2024 - 17/08/2024

Production Details

Co-created by:
Austin Harrison
Millie Osborne
Campbell Wright

Produced by Austin Harrison

The Mad Flatters

People of the Capitol! This year’s Hunger Games is a special event… The Quarter Quell!

This year you, the people, will be able to directly impact the games like never before, as our tributes battle it out to survive and become a Hunger Games Victor.

The Quarter Quell is an improvised fight to the death inspired by Suzanne Collins’ Hunger Games series.

BATS Theatre, The Dome
13-17 August 2024
tickets $15/25

Millie Osborne
Campbell Wright
Austin Harrison

Musician/accompanist: Ben Kelly
Operator/AV: Malcolm Morrison

Improv , Theatre ,

55 mins

An enjoyable, light-hearted tribute to Suzanne Collins’ Hunger Games

Review by Shemaia Dixon 14th Aug 2024

While walking into the Dome in BATS theatre to see The Quarter Quell, I can’t help but wonder how the Mad Flatters plan to make a fight to the death comedic. As this improvised show begins, the audience, who are known as the Capitol Citizens, are introduced to Flicker Caesarman (Campbell Wright), the host of the 25th annual Hunger Games. Our host then introduces this year’s arena, which was chosen by the audience via online voting leading up to the performance: an active volcano.

Caesarman leads the interviews, where we meet a group of tributes (all played by Austin Harrison and Millie Osborne). The audience decides that district 18 specialises in kebabs, and we meet a Kebab Maker who is planning to rely on his cooking skills and hopes for a grill in the arena. The audience also decides district 16’s specialty is Rabbits. We meet cousins, Chloe Evergreen, who valiantly volunteered for an audience member, and Steven, a night-time Rabbit Hunter who eats carrots to maintain perfect night vision. Other tributes include a stomping Woman, a Poet and a man who can only be described as wiggly.

The tributes’ talents are assessed by the gamemakers (audience members). Talents shown include kebab making poetry, and doing the worm. Tributes are then dressed by their stylist (another audience member) for the parade. Finally, the tributes enter the arena and the games begin. Alliances are made – and inevitably broken. There can only be one winner. However, this fight to the death is thoroughly entertaining and somewhat nonsensical in the best way and the audience is inevitably laughing the entire time.

I leave thinking about how absolutely ridiculous and absolutely hilarious the whole experience was. Musician/accompanist Ben Kelly helped maintain the light-hearted mood, while operator/AV Malcolm Morrison ensured that what was projected only added to the experience. Together, Kelly and Morrison are essential to keeping the show light-hearted.

However, what truly makes this show stand out is the performers. Wright, Harrison and Osborne feed off the audience’s energy fantastically and bounce off each other seamlessly. What results is an enjoyable, light-hearted tribute to Suzanne Collins’ Hunger Games series. As a long-time Hunger Games fan, I had high hopes for this show, I was not disappointed. The Quarter Quell is the perfect show to watch and unwind after a long day of work, or just for some fun.


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