Vegetable of the Arts

Fringe Bar, Cnr Cuba & Vivian, Wellington

09/02/2010 - 13/02/2010

NZ Fringe Festival 2010

Production Details

Raybon Kan is…
The International Vegetable of the Arts

You’ve seen him on telly, you’ve heard him on radio, you’ve read his national newspaper columns, and you may have even seen his recent feature film Diagnosis Death. Now Raybon Kan returns to the New Zealand Fringe Festival with his new comedy show Vegetable of the Arts.

The show contains all-new material developed for five performances at the New Zealand Fringe Festival, 9-13 February at Fringe Bar, corner Cuba and Vivian Streets.

Raybon turns his sharp wit toward the world of the Arts, from the perspective of someone who doesn’t know a lot about them – and so tends to distrust them.

Among the targets are current movie fads Avatar and the Twilight series ("wanting a vampire for a boyfriend says a lot about human psychology, as does plugging your ponytail into an animal you want to ride," he says. "The implications concern me") as well as Raybon’s quick-fire solutions to all the world’s problems.


But he is inspired by the cartoon-cum-movie Avatar: "I’m inspired by it. Actually, I’ll be doing my whole show in 3D. It’ll almost seem like I’m right there."

Armed with brand new material, Raybon’s Fringe 2010 performances are among the best of a bumper crop of comedy shows in the festival. One of the first festivals he ever took part in was the NZ Fringe, more than 10 years ago. This time round, Raybon considers the Fringe an ideal opportunity to continue experimenting with his comedic voice to develop it in new directions.

"I used to think I was my own worst critic. Until I read the reviews. I wasn’t even close."

Raybon has come a long way since the early days of tepid reviews, now blossoming – like a flower that may or may not also be a vegetable – into one of New Zealand’s most recognisable and successful comedians.

No stranger to the screen and the stage, Raybon was named New Zealand’s best comedian by North and South Magazine and has performed around the world including the Melbourne Comedy Festival, Montreal Comedy Festival and the Edinburgh Fringe.

"He performs a great set with natural flair and confidence." 3 Weeks, Edinburgh 2009. 

"An hour of amiable, confident stand-up" Chortle, UK 2009.

Raybon Kan: International Vegetable of the Arts
February 9 to 13, 8pm
The Fringe Bar, cnr Cuba and Vivian Streets
Tickets: or 04 801 6946

Comedy with Kan

Review by Amy Tait 10th Feb 2010

There was no shortage of giggles and belly-laughs at Raybon Kan’s Wellington Fringe Festival performance: Vegetable of the Arts. Kan has a unique way of taking the ordinary and making it extraordinary. His new material for this show is a witty take on a range of topical issues which made for an entertaining evening.

After a slow start Kan found his groove, leaving the audience believing that he’d had it under control all along. He has an easy and confident presence on stage. It’s refreshing to see that whether he is performing to sell-out shows in Melbourne or humble crowds in Wellington he keeps up the same boyish energy regardless. He’s had a long and successful career both in New Zealand and overseas, and after seeing him live it’s not difficult to see why. 

Kan’s show covers a diverse range of topics which flow well into each other making the one hour show fly by. His Tiger Woods set proves to be hilarious, as he offers a fresh perspective on the topical situation. As he began on Woods I cringed at the use of such an over-done subject, but I was soon laughing along as Kan declares that he is on Tiger’s side and explains why.

His segment on religion is very funny, confronting Christians and Muslims in the audience especially with the idea is that religion is dangerous, as it is responsible for the biggest killer known to man: war …

His take on the Twilight series is funny and original, the concept being that there is something fundamentally wrong with the female psyche [you’ll have to see the show to find out why].

Kan’s references to Michael Jackson and priests are a bit obvious and more could be expected from him, but the audience did not seem to mind.

The performance flows well from start to finish and leaves the audience laughing. If you know you’re someone who takes offence easily then this show is not for you. However, you don’t have to agree to appreciate the jokes and have a good laugh.
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