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Olivia and Lyne work together for reviews as part of a project to mentor and encourage young Māori and Pacifica writers.

Olivia Platt

Ko Olivia Platt toku ingoa. 

Kei Poneke ahau e noho ana. 

I tupu ake ahau kei Mangawhai, 

No reira kei Mangawhai taku ngakau.

Ko Pukekaroro te Maunga. 

Ko Kaipara te Awa. 

Ko Ngati Whatua te iwi. 

My name is Olivia Platt and I am currently a 2nd year classical major studying at the New Zealand School of Dance. I grew up in Mangawhai, a small town in Te Tai Tokerau but I have lived in Wellington since the start of 2022. I am passionate about classical ballet but am interested in many other art forms such as contemporary dance. In april 2023, I had the honour of attending Assemblee Internationale 2023 in Toronto, a collaboration of dance schools from around the world, where I was able to represent my school and Maori heritage. I hope to pursue a career in classsical ballet and I am excited to explore a variety of pathways and opportunities in the future. 

*Creating reviews as part of a project to mentor and encourage young Māori and Pacifica writers.

Lyne Pringle

Lyne Pringle began reviewing dance for Theatreview in the early years of the site, as a frequent contributor until stepping into the dance reviewer role for the Dominion Post in 2019. In 2021 she followed Raewyn White into the role of Dance Editor. 

As well as writing for other publications, Lyne teaches dance studies at the New Zealand School of Dance, is an oral historian for the New Zealand Dance Archive and a member of the Artistic Advisory Panel for Footnote New Zealand Dance. 

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Theatre and dance reviews since 2006.

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He Huia Kaimanawa 2023


09/06/2023 - 11/06/2023

"Mature performers, at the height of their power...

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