Thank you for helping to keep our services free. Ngā mihi nui.
In order to sustain Theatreview’s nationwide coverage and ever-growing archive, we need to bridge a large funding gap.
You can donate:
- through PressPatron, monthly, annually or one-time, or
- directly to The Theatreview Trust, a/c #12-3192-0041352-00.
[Please then contact <> to tell us
– whether the koha is one-off or regular, and
– the address for your receipt.]
The Theatreview Trust is a registered charity, CC45963, so any koha | donation over $5 will be tax-deductible.
Theatreview is one of many deserving arts organisations that missed out on the recent CNZ funding round (they were only able to grant 22% of what was sought). Regular and one-time donations will help us maintain our valued services as we seek further opportunities to apply for contestable funds.
Any support, large or small, will be greatly valued by Theatreview and all who use it.
Ngā mihi maioha.