November 28, 2007

The Manawatu (New Zealand)

Massey University, The Palmerston North City Council, Palmerston North City Library, and Centrepoint Theatre announce an open call for playwrights for the 2008 Manawatu (New Zealand) International One-Act Playwriting Competition.  The competition provides an opportunity for winning writers to have their plays developed and presented at the Biennial Manawatu Festival of New Arts in Palmerston North, New Zealand in October 2008.

The theme of the 2008 festival is ‘New World’ and we are looking for writing that explores this theme experimentally and in a theatrically challenging manner.  Plays should be a minimum of 15 minutes and a maximum of 25 minutes playing time.  They should contain no more than 6 characters and no less than 2.

The first 6 plays will receive professionally-directed productions at the Manawatu Festival of New Arts, Palmerston North, New Zealand 2008.  The successful writers will also receive a one-year Playwright’s Membership of Playmarket, which is the national agency for playwrights in New Zealand.

First prize:  NZ$1,000 and full production at the Festival
Second prize:  NZ$300 and full production at the Festival
Third prize:  NZ$200 and full production at the Festival
Fourth prize:  Full production at the Festival
Fifth prize:  Full production at the Festival
Sixth prize:  Full production at the Festival

Travel costs are not included.

Submission Guidelines

§      The submitted play must never have been produced in any completed form including as a staged reading, recording for distribution, on radio, television, or film.

§      Do not include your name on the script.

§      The play must be submitted in English, in hard copy using standard script formatting, with cover or title sheet.

§      The script must be accompanied with a letter containing playwright’s name, address, telephone number, email address, and a short biography (one paragraph).

§      Include a cheque for NZ$20 per play to cover administration costs.

§      Enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope with adequate postage for return of script following judging.  Scripts received without return envelope and adequate postage will be recycled.

SUBMISSION DEADLINE: 21 March 2008, 5pm

All plays must be submitted to:

Carol Seelye
School Administrator
School of English & Media Studies
Massey University
Private Bag 11 222
Palmerston North
New Zealand

For more information please contact:
For information about the School of English & Media Studies, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand and the Award, visit   

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