July 24, 2008


For a first-hand immersion into the secrets of Stanislavsky’s Method, Slava Stepnov (founder and artistic director of STEPS Theatre Production Company ) will be in Wellington conducting a Stanislavsky master-class for serious acting students. The workshop teaches Russian drama methods and is primarily intended for intermediate-level students and theatre professionals looking to take their skills to the next level.

Slava Stepnov is a graduate of the Russian Academy of the Dramatic Arts (GITIS)and has been working in the theatre for over 25 years as a director, actor, and playwright. His directing credits include works by Chekhov, Shakespeare, Pirandello, Byron, Albee, and many others. He has worked in theatres in Russia, Georgia, Peru, and the United States and his teaching credits include the Teatro Britanico in Peru, Theatre School "Alternative" in Russia, and the annual International Theatre Workshop in New York City.

American critics have called Stepnov’s work "movie-esque" and have labelled him a "unique directorial gem." Russian critics refer to him as a "genuine artist whose choices in a process of searching for forms and expressions are always surprising," and conclude that Stepnov might find himself in the company of such masters as Barishnikov, Nuriev, and Brodsky.

Stepnov’s workshop presents a unique opportunity for an unadulterated immersion in the Stanislavsky Method as taught by a Russian theatre practitioner. Participants will workshop one of Chekhov’s plays, a process which will provide ample opportunities to explore the specifications of the Method.

Method acting, when mastered, gives the actor exceptional possibilities for achieving creative results in the field of dramatic art. Through tangible, conscious means, the Method teaches performers how to bring themselves into a natural, alive state on the stage.

Workshop dates: Saturday August 16th and Sunday 17th

Time: 10am – 5pm

Venue: to be announced
Cost:    $190
Class is limited to 16 people. Please make your booking as soon as possible.

For bookings please email:  benyamin.albert@gmail.com
or call: (04) 385-9237

This project is generously supported by Creative Communities NZ. 

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