October 4, 2008


"All the world’s a stage….."

A multimedia music, dance and theatre extravaganza is a New Zealand School of Music collaboration between New Zealand artists and an outstanding Indonesian guest performer of the highest calibre.

Billed as a highly entertaining and sometimes startling cross-cultural music-theatre experience, The Seven Ages of Man will reinterpret Shakespeare’s view of human life based on the well-known text from "As You Like It".

I Nyoman Sukerta from Bali will use multi-lingual declamation, exotic vocal styles, comedy, dance and physical theatre to reveal the universality of Shakespeare that transcends time, place and culture.

Producer Jack Body, Associate Professor of Music, says "I Nyoman Sukerta belongs to a rare breed of Balinese artists who have the power of taksu, the attribute of physical and spiritual possession; when he dons a mask his body, his head and hand movements, his whole physical being is possessed by the character of that mask."

In support of the guest artist, a small group of Wellington actors will be directed by New Zealander Lilicherie McGregor who brings special expertise to the production, having worked cross-culturally in Indonesia and Denmark.

The two NZSM gamelan percussion orchestras, one Balinese and one Javanese, will be heard side by side, playing especially composed music by leading New Zealand composers for gamelan: Gareth Farr, I Wayan Gde Yudane and Budi Putra.

The Seven Ages of Man will show 4-5 October at 8pm in the Adam Concert Room at Victoria University. Ticket prices are $20 for adults and $10 for concession. Bookings through Ticketek.  

2008 marks the fiftieth anniversary of diplomatic relations between NZ and Indonesia, and sponsors for this production include, among others, the Asia:NZ Foundation and the Indonesian Embassy.

For more information see www.gamelan.org.nz 

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