July 28, 2009

Backyard Productions – Pro Co-Op   
Auditions for Mother Love – a trilogy of plays written by Mary Coffey
performances from 30 September to 10 October  

Auditions to be held at Drama Christi Studio, Taranaki Street, Wellington
Sunday 9 August, from 1pm

Contacts: Mary Coffey 387 7622 (email: mary_chris@xtra.co.nz ) or
Simon Boyes 476 0577 (email: simboy@xtra.co.nz )

Night Light
2 females – one 40+, the other 18-22yrs

Apron Strings – already cast

Umbilical Cord
2 females – one 40+, the other 14-19yrs

For scripts and further details, and audition appointments please contact Mary or Simon

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