July 28, 2009

Uncommon Sensing© Workshop — Moving Beyond Your Self Image   

For actors, dancers, directors, choreographers, teachers and creative doers and thinkers.  

A rare opportunity to join world leading practitioner and trainer Alan Questel (Santa Fe, New Mexico) for a unique weekend workshop.  

Our self-image is defined by how we think, what we feel, and what we do. How we perceive our world is coloured by our personal history which influences our actions and behaviour. The limitations we experience in life are often caused by ways of thinking, feeling and doing that we were born into.

To become more of who you would like to be is easier than you may think. Feldenkrais® Awareness Through Movement® helps you to perceive unknown aspects of yourself. In this workshop you will discover that is can be easy and fun to move beyond your self-image.

Uncommon Sensing – weekend workshop in August with exceptional Feldenkrais practitioner and trainer from the States Alan Questel. Formerly an actor Alan has worked with some amazing people, including Grotowski.

The workshop is for the general public and its theme ‘Moving Beyond You Self-Image’ has many very pertinent applications for actors, dancers, directors, choreographers, teachers and creative doers and thinkers.

Saturday 15 August 09 |
Sunday 16 August 09 | 10am-5pm
Te Whaea: National Dance & Drama Centre
11 Hutchison St, Newtown, Wellington
Fee: $150
Payable by cheque (see below), internet or phone banking (details upon registration)
phone: 021 332780  


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