September 9, 2009
Downstage is looking towards 2011!
We know that seems a long way away but this gives you (and us) time to dream, resource and develop truly brilliant theatre.
5pm September 30 is the deadline for submissions for 2011.
Find guidelines and details about how to apply here: .
In a nutshell we want to know what you want to make (or have made), who you want to do it with and how. Have a think about why Downstage works best for your project, and what kind of audience your work will appeal to.
Please don’t just send us a script!
If this is a script based work, remember to address this particular production of it. We are not funded to produce works from scratch, so you will need to bring resources and a creative team to the table. Tell us your vision for it, and how you are going to realize this vision.
We are interested in all kinds of performing arts, in every imaginable configuration.
We love working closely with artistic teams who thrive on challenging themselves, who delve into the creative process and come out the other side with a show that delights, entertains, provokes and inspires our audiences.
We consider new works, touring productions, return seasons, creative collaborations, scripted and devised work.
We don’t ‘buy’ your work
The Presenting Partners program is just that – a partnership between Downstage and independent companies to present a work.
Downstage offers access to our resources and expertise and gives you the opportunity to be a part of a curated program encompassing innovation, risk and artistic excellence.
In an environment of limited government funding shared resources is smart business. You develop the work and retain control of your artistic product, we present it in a professional context, raise your profile through marketing and provide opportunities to get it tour ready.
What this means in practice is you resource the development, rehearsal and design components of the work, and we contribute a well equipped venue, marketing and technical support, box office services and the pulling power of the Downstage brand.
Audiences – ours and yours
While our focus is centred firmly in the hands of the creators of art and their aspirations, we are equally committed to our audiences and to building an appreciation and following for distinctive New Zealand works.
It is our firm belief that what brings audiences through the door is energy and vitality, they want to be part of the Downstage experience, they want to be stimulated by the creative investigations being made by the practitioners who work and live here.
Wellington is home to a vibrant arts community and our aim is to present within our limited resources the most bold and theatrically innovative work we can find.
5pm, 30 September 2009
All proposals should be sent to the following:
Downstage Theatre
PO Box 9441
And if you have any questions, call Angela, Associate Producer on 04 802 6395.