October 13, 2009


On Friday 30th October 2009, the second Auckland Performing Arts Forum (APAF) will be held at the Aotea Centre, run by independent facilitator Briar Monro. The forum aims to bring together all of Auckland’s performing arts sector to connect, network and discuss key issues currently being faced.

APAF is open to anyone involved in Auckland’s performing arts in any way, at any level. The forum will run from 9:30am to 5:30pm and will be held in the Limelight Room on level 3 of the Aotea Centre. The day is free and lunch is provided, consequently those keen to attend must RSVP to candice@qtheatre.co.nz.

The forum will use open space technology which means that attendees set the agenda based on the issues they wish to discuss. The same format was successfully employed at last year’s forum, "What do you think of the show so far?". Over 100 people took part in 2008 where they raised and discussed 21 different topics, making priorities and putting much into action. Participants found the 2008 forum positive and beneficial saying that the frank and candid discussion was healthy and highlighting the need for the event to happen again and again.

The 2009 Auckland Performing Arts Forum is an empowering opportunity for all practitioners to get together, network, talk and look forwards.

For more information on the event contact:  
Candice at Q Theatre: candice@qtheatre.co.nz | (09) 309 8324  
APAF is administrated by Q Theatre and a reference group of practitioners who work in the industry. The forum is supported by Q Theatre, the EDGE and Auckland City Council.

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