December 21, 2009



Thanks to all of you Theatreview has become a focal point for an extremely active and vital performing arts community. The time has come to ensure it can survive on a sustainable basis. 

Become a Professional member – join Theatreview’s Performing Arts Directory (PAD). It costs less than:

·       a cup of coffee per month for an individual ($36 per annum)
·       2 cups for a co-op / creative partnership ($72 per annum), and
·       3 cups for a company / organisation ($108 per annum).
Link: Join the PAD

Just for the record …

Over 2009 Theatreview reviewed 445 performing arts productions (theatre, dance, ballet, opera, comedy, circus, hybrids …) staged in New Zealand, plus a couple of reports from elsewhere, posting 826 reviews in total. Huge thanks to all the critics!

I would have thought February and March would prove our biggest months what with Fringe Festivals in Wellington and Auckland and the Auckland Festival in March: in February Theatreview ran 87 reviews and in March, 114. But it was May, with 162 reviews, that won that accolade, largely thanks to the NZ International Comedy Festival.

Total reviews posted in the four years since ‘go live’: 2,654.

As at Boxing Day 2009, the site had scored 552,758 dedicated visits (from 7,492,600 hits). The biggest month was October with 60,961 visits / daily average: 1,966 (up from 39,976 / 1,289 in October 2008).

There were 45 active Forum topics – the most volatile addressing Smoking on stage.

Thus the growth in activity and interest continues – so a huge thanks, too, to all who value and support the site.

Making Theatreview sustainable

While this was all being managed without payment, the increase in time and attention required became a growing problem. It became clear that unless some income could be generated, I would have to close Theatreview down at the end of 2009.

Just in time, sector investment funding from Creative New Zealand has made it possible for a few hours per week to be paid for, and for the Performing Arts Directory (PAD) dimension of Theatreview to be developed and launched. By adding this service to performing arts practitioners and organisations, the plan is to generate enough further income to make Theatreview sustainable.

If you value Theatreview, please:
Join the PAD
, or
Make a donation.send to paypal
Thank you for supporting Theatreview.


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