January 26, 2010


If you are performing a professional dance, theatre, music or multi-disciplinary show in Auckland City, we can assist you to reach new heights.

Applications for Round 32 close 4.30pm, Friday 19 February 2010 with decisions announced early May.

This is for professional performing arts projects taking place in Auckland City between 1 May 2010 and 31 October 2010.

Application forms and further guidelines and criteria for funding are available on our website www.aucklandcity.govt.nz/grantsandfunding or please phone us to receive the information in the post. This link also provides information on other sources of funding through Auckland City Council.

Arts Alive distributes $450,000 per annum in grants to Auckland‘s professional performing artists and organisations. The two primary objectives of Arts Alive are to support and develop the professional performing arts in Auckland and to develop and build audiences. This fund has the following priorities:

  • Auckland City Council Arts Alive invites proposals in two rounds per year, from individuals, organisations, venues seeking funding for their projects in the city.
  • Around $225,000 is allocated in each round.
  • Projects may be a single production, a series of concerts or performances, a one-off show or concert, or a festival and must be a professional music, dance, theatre or multi-disciplinary project.
  • Arts Alive does not support school projects, community or amateur groups.
  • The recipients of funding by Arts Alive must be prepared to enter into funding agreements that will provide Auckland City Council with the opportunity to promote its involvement in, and support of the professional performing arts in Auckland.
We strongly recommend that you contact the funding adviser to discuss your project before submitting your application.
James Beaumont
Arts and Funding adviser
Auckland City Council
(09) 354 2123
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