June 30, 2010

Arts Alive: Auckland City Council funding scheme    
– the only funding round for Nov 2010 to Dec 2011


If you’re a creative professional making theatre, dance or music, you can now apply for funding from Auckland City Council towards your next project.

Arts Alive is an Auckland City Council performing arts funding programme that supports independent performing arts professionals.

Projects may be a season, a series, a festival or a one-off concert of music, dance or theatre, or a combination of these art forms.

We are now inviting applications for funding for next years scheme, for projects taking place between 1 November 2010 to 31 December 2011.

The deadline for applications is 4.30pm, Friday, 20 August 2010. Previously Arts Alive funding has been distributed through two rounds a year, however on this occasion we will be dispensing the full year’s allocation in one round.

Interested parties can find out more about the scheme at two free public workshops. These sessions provide advice on the application process and criteria, ensuring applicants have the best chance for success.
The Basement, Lower Greys Ave, Auckland – Sunday, 4 July, 2pm.
TAPAC, 100-102 Motions Road, Western Springs, Auckland – Wednesday, 7 July, 5.30pm

Councillor Greg Moyle, chairperson of the Arts, Culture and Recreation Committee, says the Arts Alive scheme helps people take their professional performances to a new level – whether they are working on a new or existing project.  

“The fund aims to build audiences for the performing arts and develop and maintain Auckland’s professional performing arts infrastructure through the financial support of quality local performance by local artists.

“I would strongly encourage people to attend one of the workshops and find out more about the Arts Alive scheme – it will certainly assist them in their applications.

“This is also the only funding round for Arts Alive this year, so we urge people to plan well ahead and make the most of the funding available.”

For more information on Arts Alive and other Auckland City Council funding schemes, visit www.aucklandcity.govt.nz/grantsandfunding or contact Lauren Hughes, Arts Alive Advisor, on 021 222 5682.

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