August 4, 2010

Information for applicants to
Te Komiti Tahua Rota mō te Taiopenga Aotearoa 2011  
This information will help you decide if your organisation can apply to this Committee, how to submit an application, what the NZ 2011 Festival Lottery Fund Committee may fund, what kind of organisation can apply and what you must do if you receive a grant. 
[See ministerial press release.]
The NZ 2011 Festival Lottery Fund Committee’s mission is to support community events and festivals associated with Rugby World Cup 2011.
NZ 2011 Festival Lottery Fund Committee recognises the aspirations and needs of Māori, and their protocols. E whakatau ana Te Komiti Tahua Rota mō te Taiopenga Aotearoa 2011 i ngā hiahia me ngā tūmanako o te Māori, me ō rātou kawa.
It is expected that Lottery grants made by this Committee contribute to at least one of the following Lottery Grants Board key funding objectives:
 promoting community participation, inclusion and identity
 enabling people to help themselves
 promoting community wellbeing and addressing disadvantage 
 supporting volunteers.
To ensure that grants provide community benefits, the Lottery Grants Board needs to understand the results grant applicants would like to achieve, how a Lottery grant would contribute to those results and how applicants will know that the results to which the grant contributed benefited the community.
The Committee will make grants to encourage community and cultural events to be held during Rugby World Cup 2011. 
The Committee will fund costs including:
 event/activity management and operating costs, which may include fixed-term employment costs
 event performing artists’ fees and expenses
 event/activity promotion and publicity 
 event/activity volunteer recruitment, training and other expenses.
It is expected that the planned event and/or activity will be held during the seven week period of Rugby World Cup 2011 – 9 September to 23 October 2011. 
All planned events and/or activities must comply with the Major Events Management Act 2007 ( ).
Priority will be given to events and/or activities that:
 showcase New Zealand’s culture, heritage and diversity  
 are one-off (however, they may be within an ongoing activity)  
 encourage diversity of participation by communities and visitors 
 deliver a community benefit of a public nature
 deliver a community benefit that would otherwise not be provided 
 encourage volunteering.
The Committee does not fund events and/or activities that may be funded by other Lottery distribution committees or any event and/or activity that it is not Lottery policy to fund. (Refer the New Zealand Lottery Grants Board General Information Sheet and other Committee Information Sheets available on ). 
The Committee will not fund:
 capital expenditure projects. This includes the purchase of land or buildings, and the construction or extensive alteration, repair or maintenance of buildings
 Rugby World Cup 2011 Fan Zone costs (e.g. venue hire and/or construction and set up costs)
 commercial ventures
 salaries, except for a fixed-term event related contract
 an allocation of an organisation’s overhead costs to an event and/or activity 
 promotional activity of a commercial nature, and
 activity not linked to the nationwide festival around Rugby World Cup 2011.
You must be an organisation to apply for a grant from this Committee. 
Please answer all the questions in the Application Form. A completed Application Form, a completed and signed Client Agreement Form and all requested supporting information must be received for an application to be complete.  
An organisation may submit only one application to this funding round. However, the application may cover more than one event and/or activity. A separate budget must be provided for each event and/or activity.
How much to apply for
There is no limit to the amount for which you may apply. However, there is only a set amount available for distribution. Allocations to Lottery committees are published on .
Lottery grants over $10,000 can be made only to organisations that have legal status. Grants to organisations without legal status are limited to a total from all Lottery committees of no more than $10,000 to any organisation in any financial year (the New Zealand Lottery Grants Board financial year is 1 July – 30 June).
When to apply
The funding round opens on 28 July 2010 and closes at 4.00pm on Friday 17 September 2010.
Making an application
To apply for funding from the NZ 2011 Festival Lottery Fund Committee, you must submit: 
 a completed Application Form
 any supporting information requested, and
 a completed and signed Client Agreement Form.
Make sure you understand the obligations and consents to which you are agreeing when you sign and submit these forms. 
Applications are available at .
The NZ 2011 Festival Lottery Fund Committee may ask for comment about your application. In submitting an application, the authorised signatories on behalf of the organisation (applicant) acknowledge and agree that the Department of Internal Affairs may disclose to, or obtain from, any other government department or agency, private person or organisation, any information about the applicant for the purposes of gaining or providing information related to the funding of the applicant.
Applicants and grant recipients could be required to provide information to support evaluations of Lottery grant funding. 
To complete the .doc version of the Application Form electronically, you will need Microsoft Word.
Where to send an application
Complete NZ 2011 Festival Lottery Fund applications must be received by 4.00pm on Friday 17 September 2010.
The Committee would prefer to receive grant applications by email. Emailed grant applications must include:
 a completed Application Form
 scanned or electronic copies of any supporting information requested
 a completed and signed Client Agreement Form.  
Emailed applications should be submitted to .
IMPORTANT:   Please include the name of your organisation in the email subject line. 
The Committee will also accept applications by post, courier or personal delivery at the following addresses.  
By post
NZ 2011 Festival Lottery Fund Committee
c/- Local Government and Community Branch
The Department of Internal Affairs
PO Box 805
Wellington 6140
By personal or courier delivery 
NZ 2011 Festival Lottery Fund Committee
c/- Local Government and Community Branch
The Department of Internal Affairs
Level 1, 46 Waring Taylor Street 
Wellington 6011 
The Committee’s decision 
Grant decisions will be based on a consideration of the ability of completed events and/or activities to deliver the benefits described in the grant application. Consequently, events and/or activities that are more likely to be priorities for funding will be those that can show that the:
 event and/or activity is well designed, planned, and managed
 organisation has the capability to deliver a successful event and/or activity.
Grant recipient organisations must acknowledge the New Zealand Lottery Grants Board’s support in publicity materials, such as event programmes.
The New Zealand Lottery Grants Board or the New Zealand Lotteries Commission may use information about any Lottery grant in their publicity material. Other application information may be released, if required, under the Official Information Act. After 10 years, grant applications will be transferred to the National Archives, where they will be available to members of the public.
An applicant may access their information details and amend them at any time. To view any personal information held by The Department of Internal Affairs, or if an applicant has any concerns about personal information that the Department holds, please write to:
The Privacy Officer, The Department of Internal Affairs, PO Box 805, Wellington 6140.
The names and grant details of all Lottery grant recipients will appear online in the Lottery Grants Record available at .
How long you have to spend the grant 
A grant must be spent within the time period specified in a grant approval letter. 
Reporting on grant expenditure
Grant recipients must report on the results of the event and/or activity to which a Lottery grant contributes when the activity is complete or by the time specified in a grant approval letter. 
Applying for funding
In addition to any conditions attached to a grant, an applicant must:
 provide relevant and up-to-date information in support of a grant application, and
 consent to the disclosure or collection of information about their organisation from any other government agency, private person or organisation related to the funding of their organisation, including an audit of any grant awarded to their organisation.
If your organisation receives a grant Grant recipients must:
 spend the grant within the period specified unless prior approval to an extension of grant expenditure timeframe has been given by the Committee
 seek prior approval from the Committee if your organisation needs to change the purpose for which the grant was sought
 report to the Committee on how the grant has been spent, how the grant contributed to a community benefit and what results the activity or project achieved
 return any unspent grant monies
 provide to the Department of Internal Affairs any information it may require for grant audit, evaluation and monitoring purposes
 acknowledge the support of the Lottery Grants Board in any publicity materials and annual reports, and
 understand that the organisation may be contacted by the Lottery Grants Board or New Zealand Lotteries Commission for information about the grant for publicity purposes.
Failure to comply with applicant obligations could affect the decision about this application, and future applications, for Lottery grants.
A funding advisor is available to answer questions about making an application for a grant from the NZ 2011 Festival Lottery Fund Committee. 
Contact a funding advisor by calling freephone 0800 824 824 or by emailing .
For further information on the nationwide festival go to .

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