August 5, 2010


The Forge at The Court Theatre Young Playwrights Initiative is looking for passionate young writers with a long-term interest in writing for live theatre.

There are four places for writers, aged between 18 and 35, to join this project for ten weeks beginning Saturday 16 October.

The writers selected will meet as a group with a script advisor each Saturday afternoon for three hours, plus receive one-on one coaching sessions, as they develop short scripts for public presentation as rehearsed readings in The Forge the week beginning 13 December.

This is an exciting opportunity for four writers to observe first-hand all the processes that go into developing a new work, creating live professional theatre, and to glean tips from experienced playwrights.


Send a script you have written and a statement to:
Elizabeth O’Connor at 
Or to:
Elizabeth O’Connor
Literary Manager
The Court Theatre
P.O Box 268
Christchurch 8140

DEADLINE for applications: 9am Wednesday 15 September. 

The script may be any length, and does not have to have been performed.

The statement should outline your plans for a short (15 minute) piece of theatre to be developed during the initiative, and should explain how you expect to benefit from the initiative.

Applicants may be asked to attend an interview on Saturday 18 September.

Any questions, please contact .  

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