October 7, 2010


Whether you’re Pro-Union, Anti-Boycott, on-the-fence or just confused…

I urge you to join me for a meeting of Wellington Actors.

Monday 11th October, …6.30pm
at Tararua Tramping Club
4 Moncrieff Street, Mt Victoria

On the 28th September 400 Auckland actors met to discuss how NZ performers would like to proceed regarding Equity’s recent actions in regards to the Hobbit. A verbal vote was taken and a statement given to the media regarding their decision on how NZ performers should proceed.

As an after thought, Equity then organised a Wellington meeting. Only Equity members were sent an email invitation. Wellington Agents were not informed about the meeting. As a result Wellington was represented by approximately only 40 actors, the majority being Equity members.

The following statement was then issued by Equity to the media: "…the majority (70%) of the performers at the (Wellington) meeting voted in favour of NZ Actor’s Equity meeting face-to-face with Sir Peter and/or the production company to resolve the issues as soon as possible."

I have counted Wellington based actors on the books of just four Agents and there was 595.

The aim of the evening – To provide solid information and discussion regarding the stance of Peter Jackson, NZ Equity and the wider Film & TV industry so Wellington actors can hear all the facts and make up their own minds. Speak on their own behalf.

Also to provide information and a forum regarding how we as a community would like such matters handled in future, how actors wish to be represented. How we can mend damaged relationships and work together.

I hope to secure a panel of individuals supporting various views to help us all be as informed as possible. We can then all discuss the information as a wider group.

If you would like to speak as part of the panel, please email me with your name, email address and the content of your speech (to avoid too many double ups) and I will be in touch asap.

If you have questions that you would like to have answered at this meeting please email them to me and I will endeavour to find someone suitable who can provide those answers for you.

Questions that I will already endeavour to have covered by the panel include:

*What is the Pink Book and what does it say? How is it currently used or not used?

*What are residuals? How do they work?

*All NZ Equity want is a meeting, so why wont PJ meet with them?

All actors are welcome!!

We may have speakers on the panel who are non-actors, but would like to keep the general attendance to actors only. Crew members and agents who also work as actors (have an agent) are of course welcome.

Please distribute this letter to as many fellow actors as possible. If we only have 40 again… it will be shaming.

Show you care and that your opinion matters. If the Hobbit moves, it is Wellington that will be most affected. There is a lot at stake here so please get involved.

Kind Regards,

Yvette Reid

P.S Should any decisions be made (regarding Equity/Hobbit situation) between now and Monday affecting the content of our meeting I will keep this page updated –  

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