November 8, 2010

Click here for a registration form

Develop, challenge and celebrate Maori & Pacific theatre
27 NOVEMBER 2010
Mangere Arts Centre,  Cnr Bader Drive and Orly Ave, Mangere
An event for all playwrights and interested theatre practitioners.
Interested in furthering your professional growth and that of Maori and Pasifika theatre? Come share your aspirations. All Welcome.
The Brown Ink sessions will focus on plays in development, working with producers, and women writing for theatre. Workshops run from 10am – 5pm, with a light supper provided before the evening presentation at 7pm. 

The Brown Ink Sessions have been subsidised by Auckland City Council and food and drink will be provided.

Registration fee:
Early Bird  $30  Registration at Door $35
Payment for the Brown Ink Sessions can be made:
Playmarket  – 020-5680020573-00 – Use code ‘INK’& Your Name when paying. A receipt will be sent out to you;
made out to Playmarket Inc; Post to Box 9767 Wellington
to Jenni Heka at Playmarket Auckland office, 44 Wellesley St.
Request a receipt at time of payment.
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