January 28, 2011


Are you keen to contribute to the ‘creative conversation’?

There are still some opportunities for more theatre critics to review Fringe shows for Theatreview in Wellington (18-28 Feb) and especially in Auckland (25 Feb-13 March) which is a much bigger festival.

Theatreview likes articulate critics – ideally with practical theatre experience and some study behind them that brings a depth of knowledge – who know how theatre gets made and have a passion for it. Don’t apply if you don’t love good theatre.

With short seasons we like to get the reviews by noon the following day. There is no funding to pay a fee; 2 free tickets is the only material recompense.

If you are keen to contribute constructively to the creative conversation about theatre projects and practice, please send a brief resume and contact details to john@theatreview.org.nz – the sooner the better

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