April 11, 2011

New arts investment programme   

Creative New Zealand is inviting applications from established artists, arts practitioners and arts organisations for the new Arts Development Investment (Toi Uru Kahikatea) programme. 

The new programme, together with the new Arts Leadership Investment (Toi Tōtara Haemata) programme, replaces the previous multi-year Recurrent Funding, and also the Sector Investment and Arts Investment programmes. These three programmes are no longer being offered.

The two new programmes are complementary and were recommendations from Creative New Zealand’s review of Recurrently Funded Organisations (RFOs). They were established to provide both stability and flexibility to our funding of artists, arts practitioners and arts organisations, and to allow us to respond to changing needs and opportunities.

Creative New Zealand is continuing to offer Arts Grants and Quick Response Grants. 

Who is eligible to apply for the new Arts Development Investment (Toi Uru Kahikatea) programme?

To be eligible for the new programme you must be an established artist, arts practitioner, arts group or arts organisation.

Established applicants will have a successful track record of delivering on at least three grants from Creative New Zealand. These grants may have been from recurrent funding, contestable funding and/or funding offered as part of the Creative New Zealand International Strategy, but not through the Creative Communities Scheme. 

A full list of the eligibility criteria can be found on our website. However, before applying please contact an arts advisor who can talk to you about whether the programme is the right fit for you and how to make an application. See below for How do I apply? 

What does the new programme support? 

The new programme can support New Zealand artists, arts practitioners, and arts groups and organisations to:

  • develop creative and professional skills, resources and networks, for example through internships, workshops and mentoring programmes.
  • develop, present, tour and/or distribute New Zealand arts to diverse audiences here and overseas, for example the creation and presentation of a work or works, the touring of a production or exhibition, the publishing of multiple titles by New Zealand writers (known as block grants).
  • strengthen organisational development, for example through strategic and business planning, or contributing to the engagement of key management or artistic staff to carry out specified activities for a defined period.
Applicants may request support for activities, events, programmes or services that will deliver to one or more of these purposes.

Funding is available for between six months and two years.

How do I apply? 

Before applying please contact an arts advisor who can talk to you about whether the programme is the right fit for you and how to make an application. They will also provide you with a guide on how to make an application, an application cover sheet and a budget template. 

These documents will be essential for making sure that your application is eligible. 

The closing date for Arts Development Investment applications is Friday 10 June 2011. 

Look here for more information on the eligibility criteria for the new Arts Development Investment (Toi Uru Kahikatea) programme.  

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