May 24, 2011

The Playground NZ Presents 


The Playground NZ Ltd


The Performance Arcade is an annual performance exhibition and event located on Wellington Waterfront each summer. A line of shipping containers creates a series of miniature spaces for a range of selected works. Opening onto the bustling life of the waterfront, these sites of encounter engage and entertain through installation, performance, and media art.

Proposals are sought for either:
(1) Containersituated installation/performances, or
(2) The Performance Series: a programme of performance events occurring within and around the arcade environment.

Applications are due on 22 July 2011 at 5pm.

The arcade will be curated by award winning director/designer Sam Trubridge working with a team from the internationally profiled company The Playground NZ Ltd.

For material and reviews of The Performance Arcade 2011 please visit:

General Specifications

Participants are welcome to propose new concepts, or the development and representation of existing works.

The Playground will provide ‘umbrella’ management. We provide the containers, exterior structure, security, curation, marketing and other siterelated organisation. Individual works are the responsibility of each artist. This will involve sourcing funds, equipment, expertise, and labour for the realization of each proposal.

You will need to fund the cost of your individual projects. This may be with your own resources, fundraising, or by applying for a creative communities grant through the Wellington City Council. If you decide to submit a creative communities grant, then we are happy to review it in time for their 31st August deadline. If you are selected for The Performance Arcade 2012 then we will provide a letter of support for your application. 

A series of meetings and workshops will run from late 2011 until the week of installing and opening the Arcade. This develops the curatorial vision and encourages interaction between containers in order to make each an integral part of the overall experience. Each practitioner brings their own work, knowledge and skills not only to their own project, but are also encouraged to be useful to the whole group.

We will also work to schedule programme of events that may involve other contributions from Arcade artists. These events help develop discussions with the public and between artists on the work being made and the implications of this presentation form. In 2011 the events included a Pecha Kucha night and a panel discussion.

18 May 2011 Applications Open
22 July 2011 Applications Due
7 August 2011 – Selected groups notified.
31 August 2011 – Creative Communities grant deadline
4 March 2012 – The Performance Arcade 2012 in Wellington City

Container Works: specifications

The Arcade will be open from 10am – 11pm, for four days in March 2012. It is expected that container installations must remain open or active throughout this time.

Containers will need to be made secure overnight. Individual works can continue to perform overnight, but this will require the artist to provide the required security and safety measures.

Proposals can specify containers with open
sides, alterations, or doors on both ends. Extra costs associated with sourcing these containers will need to be covered by the artist. The same applies if an artist plans to stack containers above one another or put them on their end etc.

The standard dimensions of a single shipping container are:

Interior Width: 2352 mm Exterior Width: 2440 mm
Height: 2395 mm Height: 2600 mm
Length: 5898 mm Length: 6058 mm
The Performance Series:


The Performance Series extends the Arcade from the shipping containers, inviting a range of events that do not require the space of a shipping container for the full 4 days. This typically involves shorter ‘performance art’ works presented around the Arcade environment or on a special ‘stage space’.

is located behind The Arcade in a sheltered space for evening events, musical performances, and The Performance Series. This stage uses an open
sided shipping container and includes facilities for sound, lighting and dataprojection.

artists can also propose works to occupy spaces in front of The Arcade, or along the waterfront. Performances that link The Arcade with other spaces in the city are also possible.

The Performance Series will include a range of programmes specific to various time
slots, themes, or approaches to performance. Works can be submitted for one of the following series, but can also ‘stand alone’:

1. The Culinary Series will operate from 122 daily, involving a range of foodbased events that may include (but are not limited to) cooking classes, foodperformance, and dialogues.
2. The Film Series invites submissions of videoworks with an aesthetic, design, or performative focus. Please include a DVD of your film in the proposal submission.
3. The Performance Arcade Forums invite practitioners and theorists to express interest in speaking or presenting their work.
4. The Late Night Performance Series for works that may not suit a daytime audience or daylight settings.

The development process for The Performance Series is different from container works. Selected artists will be informed on a schedule of meetings and workshops later in the year.

Curatorial Overview

The criteria described below guide the curation, design and development of the overall project. Key qualities of The Performance Arcade are:

Engaging in live and performative relationships with a cocreative audience.
Consistency with contemporary concerns in installation, and live art practises.
Connecting with an ‘accidental’ audience. Work does not have to be sought out; instead it meets the public community in their own space.
Creating a spatially concentrated experience: gathering works together in an arcaded environment.
Programming for a dense time period, with The Arcade becoming a condition of the space rather than a sporadic experience.
Bringing together qualities of the theatre space, the art gallery, and the carnival midway to create a dynamic environment of profound and playful engagement with the arts.
Curatorial processes prioritise innovation, conceptual rigour, and detailed realisation of ideas.
Reflecting on Wellington Waterfront and its history as a Port processing shipping containers.
Recognising the development of the waterfront into a public playground and audience space in the late 1980’s: now housing Te Papa, Museum of Wellington, and the NZ International Arts Festival.
An examination of the contemporary fairground or arcade, which over the past few decades has been increasingly affected by technologised digital spaces that exist as much in the palm of one’s hand (in ipods or blackberries) as in gaming parlours or shopping malls.

Preparing Your Application

Please provide the following information in your application:
1. Name/s
2. Name of proposed work
3. State clearly if you are applying for a container space or The Performance Series
4. Contact Phone
5. Email address
6. Personnel Involved: Please include bio’s for your team
7. Synopsis of proposed work (500 words )
8. Provide a detailed funding and resourcing plan (budget)
9. A technical inventory
10. A plan and section of the proposed inhabitation of your container or images of how the performance may be presented (Performance Series).
11. Additional material that may include video, audio, atmospheric imagery, details of kinetic elements, technical setup or other specific features.
12. Statement on how you may contribute to the collective development and presentation of this project (specific skills, knowledge). Is there anything else you would like to contribute in addition to the proposed work: other performances, discussions, live music, screenings etc ?

Applications are due by 5.00pm 22 July 2011

Please email your applications to OR by post/delivery (4 copies) to:
Josephine O’Sullivan
Wellington Producer’s Room
Level 3, Toi Poneke: Wellington Arts Centre
69 Abel Smith Street, Wellington

For any queries contact:
Sam Trubridge (Container proposals) / + 64(0)21 065 3992
Sarah Burrell (The Performance Series) / 027 228 1936

Selection Criteria
Strength of concept (see curatorial overview) 
The level of detail to the design/installation/performance proposal 
A clear fundraising and resourcing plan
Overall feasibility of proposal
Contribution to the collective project and other events   

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