July 29, 2011


John Smythe      posted 29 Jul 2011, 05:03 PM



Due to the success of THEBOXpetone as a Boutique Professional Theatre Venue, the Hutt City Council requires us to apply for a new Resource Consent.

The previous consent permitted THEBOXpetone to operate as an interactive arts studio allowing for multi- use of space ,but does not allow for performance on an ongoing basis.

As a flexible space THEBOXpetone is designed to, and will continue to, provide a range of arts services. This multi-use has been an integral part of the philosophy of THEBOX.

However, to date, THEBOXpetone has operated as an unfunded community facility.

The cost of the application for this Resource Consent and the required modifications to the venue are beyond our team of four at this time.

Cathy Gilpin,Ross Joblin,Brent Dawson and Geraldine Brophy would like to thank all in the industry and local community who supported the performances at THEBOXpetone.

Every one of the original New Zealand shows from around the country, has enjoyed a successful season at THEBOXpetone.

We will endeavour to continue to bring outstanding NZ shows to the local area and are presently engaged in seeeking an alternative performance venue for a new play, The Nightgown, written and performed by Geraldine Brophy.

This was scheduled for late July, but has been postponed until an alternative space can be found.

As a professional theatre venue, THEBOXpetone will cease to operate forthwith.

Once again, thank you for your support.

Geraldine Brophy  
Email ross_geri@xtra.co.nz 


This is very sad news.  THE BOX has proved to be an excellent and much-needed venue for serving the Petone/Hutt/Eastbourne community as well as offering an ‘out of town tryout’ venue for small shows in development. Let’s hope a solution is found.

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