December 12, 2011

Red Leap INCUBATOR 2012  

Red Leap INCUBATOR is a weeklong workshop designed to mentor artists interested in making devised physical theatre, and to support the seeding of new work.  

This is an opportunity to work alongside Kate Parker, Julie Nolan and your peers to physically challenge and develop your ideas. We will be inventing new work through strengthening the physical connection and play within the performers, and generating a quantity of material from which quality can be distilled.

INCUBATOR allows the artist to let go of the preciousness of creating and get on with the making without analysing too hard.  

INCUBATOR is designed for actors who like being physical but you don’t have to move like an acrobat to be a part of this! 

INCUBATOR takes place: 
Mon 13 to Fri 17 Feb, 10am to 4pm daily 
Shed 2, Corbans Estate Arts Centre, 426 Gt North Rd, Henderson 
$225 per person* 
*Two scholarships available  

Applications are due by 16 January 2012

For more information or an application form contact: / 021 222 5682  

NB. Four productions seeded at INCUBATOR 2010 have since progressed to full productions at TAPAC, The Basement and BATS. All attracted strong reviews. Others continue development. While this is largely credit to the talents and tenacity of the artists behind them we have received fantastic feedback to assure us that INCUBATOR is a great place to start developing your new work: 

“I walk away from the workshop with stronger, more enriched vision for the work; a clearer sense of the methods of its making and, of most value; a sense of vindication and excitement about actually making it.” Robin Kerr, INCUBATOR 2010 

“After working with Julie and Kate for the week I have a new confidence in my work and I can see that it is not only achievable but also to a high standard. The workshop was challenging and confronting but also created some of the more impressive work that I have seen in such a short space of time. They provided me with the tools with which I can now continue.” Chris Neels, INCUBATOR 2010 
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Copy and paste the form below into a new document, complete it and email it as instructed:

Application Form

Red Leap INCUBATOR 2012

Red Leap INCUBATOR is a weeklong workshop designed to mentor artists interested in making devised, physical theatre, and to support the seeding of new work.

We have 14 places available.
Applications are due by 16 January 2012
Selection will be announced by 21 January 2012
 INCUBATOR takes place:Mon 13 to Fri 17 February 2012, 10am to 4pm daily
Shed 2, Corbans Estate Arts Centre, Cost – $225* per person
(*two scholarships available)

Name:                                                             Phone:

Email:                                                              Address:

Brief Description of your training / experience in Theatre:

Brief description of the concept you have for a new devised work? This starting point could be in anything eg a story, an event, a poem, a theme 

Why would you like to be part of INCUBATOR?

If you need to be considered for one of our scholarships please detail why you are deserving. If you accept the workshop fee you do not need to complete this question.  

Please submit your application to or contact Lauren for more information on 021 222 5682.

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