March 9, 2012

Theatre Director URGENT

Marc Shaw          posted 8 Mar 2012, 11:27 AM

Dear All

Know anyone who needs a THEATRE DIRECTING job for the next four weeks or so. Have a play that has a cast and a production team but a director who has found the challenge a little too much.

Theatre Company in Hamilton needs help for a play about Passchendaele in WW1 URGENTLY.

Would love to hear from anyone interested. The position needs urgent filling and is a professional-paid position.

Drop everything and let me know of your interest and availability please!!!! Like PLEASE!

Cheers – Marc Shaw

Melanie Camp   posted 8 Mar 2012, 01:52 PM

Hi Marc,

Contact details?


Marc Shaw          posted 8 Mar 2012, 02:03 PM / edited 8 Mar 2012, 02:31 PM

Greetings Melanie

please phone when you can



Adey Ramsel      posted 8 Mar 2012, 02:26 PM

Hey, Be interested to hear more if not already sorted –, email

Adey Ramsel      posted 8 Mar 2012, 02:40 PM

Marc, Got your email – weird thing but all phones and email has stopped working in the house – bizzare! But can access my emails that people send to me. Go figure! Anyway if you could put all details, as much as poss, including season, rehearsals, play, everything on email then I can have a look and try somehow to get back to you.

(Apologies John for using this site to email people 🙂

Adey Ramsel      posted 9 Mar 2012, 12:16 AM

Interested in talking further – (09) 5333 934

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