April 24, 2012

The Basement as a risk-share venue.

Sophie Vowell    posted 23 Apr 2012, 11:08 AM

Hey Basement friends and artists and future friends and artists!

BIG question for you.

What would it mean to you if The Basement was a risk-share venue?

What does that mean? It means that you and your company would not be risking money putting on a show at our place, we would just take a small split of the box office instead of charging you a rental. What would this mean for you? How would this change your show? We’d really like to know xx

charlie unwin     posted 24 Apr 2012, 11:57 AM

Hey Sophie,

This would be great for visiting shows without an established local database to market to as The Basement would have a vested interest in promoting the shows. The question of what that NBO % would be would be important, as would it just cover venue rental, or would there be a technician, equipment and FOH supplied? This would also mean that The Basement would be taking a risk on the shows so it would be in your best interest to have shows that are lower risk and “safer” – which is not ideal. I think it’s a good idea but I would also leave the door open for straight rentals.

sam snedden     posted 24 Apr 2012, 01:01 PM

Hey Charlie, We anticipate that the NBO% would cover all the things that venue rental now covers: the space, the gear, the technitian and FOH. We would, in fact, be hoping to provide more support with the Risk Share model. I don’t think that the model would affect our programme any more then it affects the programming at Bats We will always look to programme the most interesting, challenging work because we see that as a vital part of our mission and role in the industry. What we are looking to do is try an elminate as much of the risk as we can so that the artists can just get in in do their thing without having to worry about if they will have to sell the TV at the end of the season.

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