November 5, 2012

The 2012 Dunedin Theatre Awards 

– celebrating theatrical excellence –

The American election may only be days away but something with more impact on the free world is at hand – Yes, it’s time for the annual Dunedin Theatre Awards! 

The 2012 Dunedin Theatre Awards will be held at the
Mayfair Theatre in South Dunedin on Monday 10th December.
There’s a $5 door charge to cover costs and a cash bar.
Doors open at 6:45pm with the award ceremony starting at 7:30pm.

You can find all the information you’ll need about the Dunedin Theatre Awards on our website: 

We also welcome any enquiry at

We’d also like to bring your attention to the Special Awards.

  • Award for Emerging Talent
  • Industry Support Award
  • Outstanding Contribution to Dunedin Theatre
  • Lifetime Achievement Award

Nominations for these awards, in particular the Industry Support Award, are an opportunity for you to say thanks to those who may have funded or supported you throughout the year. ANYONE can NOMINATE a recipient for these awards.

Everything must be sent to by 5pm on the 23rd of November. 

So get your glad rags on and step out for the night of the year to celebrate Dunedin’s theatrical excellence, originality and to network your arse off. 

And, with a little bit of luck, there will always be a little drama as to whether you agree with the results or not!!! 

A fantastic way to celebrate the year of creativity that brings so much to the artistic landscape of Dunedin! 

Once again hosted by the dapper Mark Neilson, the Dunedin Theatre Awards are an all-inclusive industry event where we come together in strength as a community. By raising the profile of our wonderful city’s talents, people and creativity on a national scale, we enable better corporate partnerships and relationships with funding bodies. It also results in our audience becoming more aware of the thrilling diversity of entertainment and art available in a city renowned for its individuality and creative passion. 

We are delighted to be holding the ceremony at the majestic Mayfair Theatre in South Dunedin. The Mayfair Theatre has a long tradition of hosting a wide range of productions including the Really Authentic Gilbert and Sullivan operas, Musical Theatre Dunedin, local Talent and Dancing events, and Opera Otago as well as a long list of international and national superstars. The refined Edwardian atmosphere will add a touch of class to the evening. We’d like to thank Bruce Collier, the Mayfair Theatre’s Manager, for all his help with this theatrical event. 

This year has seen some changes to the way the awards are run. Since arriving back from his stint as Visiting Artist with The Great American Laughing Stock Theatre in Colorado, Director Patrick Davies has been globally researching the best ways employed by arts administrations for adjudicating awards. It turns out the answer is so close to home as to be funny. PLanDevents has combined with one of Otago’s most innovative companies, ‘1000Minds’, and is implementing cutting-edge technology created by Paul Hansen, an associate professor of Economics at the University of Otago. 

1000Minds is decision-making software that the Panel of judges will be using to evaluate the Award entries. This will level out the playing field in a scientifically valid way. It means that the process is easy to use for our Panel, solidifies the criteria used for each category and it’s transparent (see for details).1000Minds clients include Boeing, Dunedin City Council, Dairy NZ, UK Department of Health and universities around the world.

Hansen is pleased 1000Minds is being used. “What’s really great is that this takes a powerful methodology from the Decision Sciences and transplants it smack-bang into the Arts. Strangely, in my opinion, many people see Science and the Arts as being diametrically opposed, but they shouldn’t be. Both involve creativity, and in both areas good decision-making is important.” 

This software is a very grunty tool, but it’s just that – a tool. The Panel will still vote for the General awards blindly. In setting the criteria for the categories, particular attention has been paid to formulating them based on excellence in artistry and use of resources – regardless of whether you spend $1 or $1,000,000 on your production – it’s what you do with it that counts! 

Hadley Taylor, who is an Intern with PLanDevents, has been collating and checking with theatre providers; venues and industry supporters to ensure we are covering everyone in the last theatre year. 

Anyone can make an enquiry by emailing . Hadley will be happy to help. He is just one of the many people who volunteer their time and energy towards this community event. 

You’ll find all the detailed information you’ll need about the Dunedin Theatre Awards on our website  2012 Dates | Eligibility & Entry | General Awards and Criteria | Special Awards and Criteria | 2012 Process and Panel | Previous Awards. 

Any enquiries should be emailed to

Patrick Davies, Director
Hadley Taylor, Intern 

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