November 26, 2012

Q Theatre appoints James Wilson as Chief Executive

Flexibility and agility are core values at Q.  Amongst other things, this means that we are committed to changing and evolving over time. 

Over the last 3 months, our leadership team has been undertaking a comprehensive business review, informed by what we have learned from our hirers and audiences over our first year of operation.  One advancement  identified through that process, has been the desirability of establishing a Chief Executive role for Q.  The Board has accepted that recommendation, and has appointed James Wilson to the role of Chief Executive.

James joined us before we opened, coming from the General Manager role at Massive  Company.  Through his experience there, he knows exactly what it is like to be a ‘customer’ of a business like ours and is superbly placed to help us make sure we serve those customers as well as we possibly can.  James has also worked at the Lyric Hammersmith Theatre in London and the Tate Modern,  so he is well versed not only in the theatre world, but also the wider ‘visitor experience’ concept that we are committed to deliver to our diverse audiences at Q.

In his time with us at Q, James has established a reputation for himself as being an ‘outside the box’ thinker who has been able to generate partnership based opportunities and solutions so that we can really work with our key hirers in a collaborative way to our mutual benefit. 

We are delighted with this evolution in our leadership team.  James has the full support of Board and staff alike and we all know he will deliver Q’s strategic plan with the same loyalty, passion, enthusiasm and creativity that he has demonstrated to date. 
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