December 21, 2012


Please video your support …

THEATREVIEW has no funding for 2013. As support material for various fundraising efforts, Jack O’Donnell will edit video clips of people – including you and your fans? – endorsing Theatreview, to be completed by mid January. We’d love you to be part of it! 

As soon as convenient, and no later that 15 Jan, please used a digital camera, i-phone, android, i-pad, tablet or whatever works to capture yourself and anyone else you know who would like to, as follows:

  1. Frame head and shoulders, straight to camera
  2. ID yourself by name and occupation (for the record)
  3. In 30-45 seconds, tell us why Theatreview is important to you (3 reasons?)
  4. End with “I (insert name here) give permission for this recording to be used by Theatreview for fundraising purposes.”
  5. For small files (most formats should be fine) please attach it to an email to Jack O’Donnell at
  6. For large files (if you have gathered multiple messages) plrase use Dropbox and send the link to Jack.
  7. To send a physical hard copy, email Jack to arrange a physical address or drop-off point.

We would love to get messages from performing arts fans as well as practitioners.

If you have no recording equipment and would like to participate:

  • Wellington people: email Jack and arrange a time and place for him to record you
  • Auckland people: if possible, on Sunday 6 January between 2 and 4pm, please go to Grae Burton’s studio at 5/22 Cleveland Road, Parnell. 

There is also a Facebook event page called SAVE THEATREVIEW VIDEO!!! which you can use to team up with people.

Please spread the word via your networks!  

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