March 27, 2013


The Age, March 14, 2013  

The Australia Council is happy to be seen as a driver of the nation’s cultural future. 

It’s hard to bite the hand that feeds you – a $75.3 million increase in funding.

Not surprisingly, the Australia Council is ”delighted” about the announcements in the federal government’s cultural policy, according to its chairman, Rupert Myer.

”The Australia Council is delighted that Creative Australia positions our organisation as a pivotal driver of the nation’s cultural future,” he said.

Mr Myer particularly welcomed the funding boost announced by federal Arts Minister Simon Crean. ”This increased funding is welcomed as it represents a significant further investment in artistic excellence of this kind,” he said.

The funding increase over four years includes $60 million in ”critical funding” for artists and arts organisations, $5 million for the major performing arts excellence pool, provided the states and territories match the funding, and $4 million for a data collection program. [More

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