September 17, 2013


The Board of Downstage Theatre today announced its decision to close the company. 

The decision comes following the announcement by Creative New Zealand not to fund Downstage in 2014. 

Downstage Theatre Trust chair, Allan Freeth, said today that the Board had not taken the decision lightly. 

“Downstage has a fifty year history of bringing outstanding theatre experiences to Wellington audiences.” 

“In recent years the theatre has pursued a new model – based on partnerships with artistic companies, taking risks on new works, and creating a supportive environment for artists. 

“It is not possible to continue this work without adequate and stable funding.” 

Mr Freeth said the Board acknowledged the many achievements of the individuals and artists who have worked with Downstage over the years, and the professionalism and hard work of the theatre’s staff. In particular, the Board acknowledged the contribution of CEO and Director Hilary Beaton. 

The Board was also grateful for the backing of Downstage’s many dedicated supporters, funders and sponsors. 

The theatre closure will take place immediately following the season of Live at Six, which is currently showing (ending Saturday September 21, 2013). 

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