January 6, 2014


WELCOME TO 2014!  

Our webmaster Sascha has been busy implementing improvements to Theatreview which immediately allows Audience Members to be more selective with their email alert options.

You may now filter by:

  • Region, and
  • Genre.

Click on the link above to join (it’s free) or, if you are already and audience member, login and select your alert options to suit yourself.  

The Review page now also allows for filtering by Region and Genre (as well as Festival and Reviewer, and ordering the list by date, production, venue or festival). It will take some time, however, for us to trawl though the back catalogue to add genres – meanwhile the Search function should help you find most things with reasonable efficiency.  

Best wishes to all for a wonderfully productive 2014 – and please, if you haven’t already, consider

  • joining the Performing Arts Directory, to show your support and/or put yourself one click away from someone who may want to employ you, or
  • making a Donation to help ensure that Theatreview can maintain this level of service.   
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