June 3, 2014


Throughout June the Hannah Playhouse will host a variety of events in the bar on level one for the performing arts sector and public.

Thursday 5th June, 6pm onwards: 
GG’s (goons and gossip)
Industry drinks, specials and gossip

Wednesday 11th June, 6.30pm
‘A short performance for a dramatic city’  
A seminar presented by David O’Donnell originally given at the Stout Research Centre for New Zealand Studies, Victoria University of Wellington.

This talk takes you on a critical, creative, illustrated performance re-staging the heady heyday of Wellington theatre, from the point of view of someone who was there, drinking from the cracked cups in the green room, painting sets and plastering posters at 3 in the morning, rehearsing the routines, learning the lines, calling the cues, blowing the budgets, counting the koha. This journey brings us inevitably to the dreaded decay of the present day – or does it? Where is Wellington theatre going? Are there any batty bacchanaleans still wishing to binge on culture? Are any accomplices left lurking in the wings? Or could it be merely a trick of the light?

Koha (all proceeds to help BATS into their new/old home across the road)

Tuesday 17th June, 4pm – 7pm
‘Tactics and Negotiating’ 
DANZ Forum

This forum includes discussion in subjects such as contracts, negotiating tactics and power relationships

Wednesday 25th June 6.30pm
‘Show me your Biz Quiz’
Quiz starts at 7pm, free entry

Come and join us here at the Hannah Playhouse Bar for a quiz night like no other. Presented by the New Zealand Theatre Quiz Federation Grand Master and Sensei, Dr Phil Grieve*, ‘Show me your Biz Quiz’ will cover all things theatre.

From backstage to centre, repertory to West End, Shakespeare to Annie, with a splash of dance. 

Join us to demonstrate your knowledge and know-how of what theatre is, was and could be. 

Cheap drinks and (cheap) prizes on the night.

To register your team email Will Harris: will.harris@wmt.org.nz 

Keep an eye out on our Facebook page or here on our website for other listings 

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