June 6, 2014


Circa Theatre, Friday 20th June 2014, 9am – 4pm 

TACT is excited to invite you to a day of dynamic discussion and lively debate on the idea of RISK in the arts. 

The keynote speaker Jonathan Bielski, Director of Programming at the Sydney Opera House, along with other experienced and passionate practitioners will take us through a vibrant day of Pecha Kucha sessions.

The speakers are: Jonathan Bielski, Stephen Wainwright, Colin McColl, Andrew Foster, Paul Sinclair, Hone Kouka, Miranda Harcourt, Charlie McDermott and Adrianne Roberts. Dave Armstrong will guide the discussions throughout the day.

A koha of $20 will help bring this day together, however, you are very welcome to attend at any contribution. Lunch will be provided.

Email Clare Creely here to register. 

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