August 12, 2014


The Dunedin Fringe Festival will be back in 2015 with another incredibly entertaining programme of artistic experimentation and any artist can be part of it. As an open access Festival we welcome all artists and all art forms. Anyone can register an event and be part of our next Festival which runs from 12-22 March. 

The Dunedin Fringe Festival is part of an international network of Fringe Festivals. This year’s dates follow the end of Auckland and Wellington’s Fringe Festival, and the Adelaide Fringe which puts the Dunedin Fringe at the end of a national and international touring circuit. Key dates for the 2015 Dunedin Fringe Festival are:

Artist registrations open:  8 September 2014  
Artist registrations close:  31 October 2014  


We are pleased to announce that the Dunedin Fringe Festival has received funding from Creative New Zealand to support the development of new artistic works for the 2015 Dunedin Fringe Festival. This will allow participating artists to apply for funding for their event as part of the Festival registration process. 

This is a contestable funding process and we strongly encourage artists to apply. Applicants must register an event with the Festival and the work must be a world premiere or new to Dunedin. Application criteria focuses on the level of experimentation, originality, diversity and the quality of the work.

Funding applications open:  8 September 2014 
Funding applications close:  12 October 2014 

More information will be made available on the registration and grants process in our Artist Registration Pack due to be released soon.

The Dunedin Fringe Festival is the only Fringe Festival in the South Island of New Zealand. Since 2010 the Dunedin Fringe has brought experimental contemporary art to a wide audience and supported the work of emerging artists. The 2014 Dunedin Fringe Festival presented a programme of 50 events and attracted an audience of 10,000.

Paul Smith or Josh Thomas
Directors, Dunedin Fringe Festival
A project of the Dunedin Fringe Arts Trust
Ph 03 477-3350 | Cell 021 150 9207

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