October 7, 2014

The Performance Arcade 2015, Wellington – Call for Internships 

The Performance Arcade is inviting people to get involved in the 2015 Arcade, with registrations for Internships now open.   

The Performance Arcade takes place 18-22 February 2015. An Arcade Internship is an opportunity to work in a professional environment on a large-scale dynamic arts event. The Arcade team is experienced in developing roles for interns and ensuring that the experience will be of benefit to your future career. Interns are a valued part of the Arcade team.

We are looking for people interested in developing their skills in: technical production, event producing, artist liaison, graphic design, artistic curation, spatial design and architecture. There is also scope to develop a position uniquely suited to your interests and needs. (A full description of the internships on offer is available at the link below).

The Performance Arcade is an annual Live Art mini-festival and programme of events located on Wellington Waterfront. Using a series of architecturally arranged shipping containers, the Arcade creates a series of spaces for installation, performance art, sonic art, interactive media, culinary art, forums and live music. These dynamic sites of encounter engage the public in contemporary art and performance practices outside the familiar constraints of gallery or theatre spaces.

To apply now, please click here – by 31 October for key internships.  

For further information please contact
Melanie Hamilton, Producer. Email: producer@theperformancearcade.com  
Visit: www.theperformancearcade.com

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