December 18, 2014


The year is almost over (hoping for one more review from up north) so it’s time to thank you all whole heartedly for your interest in and contributions to Theatreview this year.

Over 2014 we will have published 663 reviews of 608 theatre productions. Dance reviews take our total to 813 reviews of 719 shows. And including the reviews we link to in other publications, Theatreview will have published 1,082 performing arts reviews in 2014

This output would not be possible without the passion, commitment and skills of performing arts practitioners, the support of audiences (and funding bodies & sponsors) who sustain them, and the generosity and expertise of all our (unpaid) reviewers. Thank you all! 

If you value Theatreview, please help to sustain us by joining The Performing Arts Directory (if you are ‘in the business’) or offering a koha/donation. When we apply for funding it helps to show we have industry and public support.

Whatever your plans for the festive season and the year to come, may they be fulfilled and more!  

Very best wishes and love to you all –
on behalf of The Theatreview Trust 

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