April 1, 2015


Editor    posted 31 Mar 2015, 10:58 PM / edited 1 Apr 2015, 07:57 AM

Theatreview has discovered the Government plans to transfer oversight of the Arts and Creative Industries to the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI). This will apply to all arts and creative products that originate in New Zealand – i.e. where the Intellectual Property (IP) is held by New Zealanders.

“This is a blindingly obvious policy,” our source at the MPI told our contact. “I am almost embarrassed that we have not implemented it before. In this day and age holding the IP in tradable commodities is hugely valuable to the economy so the government needs to be in there boots-and-all to kick-start new ideas with good earning potential.”

Of course they plan to go through the motions of consulting with the sectors and other interested parties but as Theatreview understand it, this is a ‘done deal’ – and presumably very good news for the ‘homegrown’ sector.

Drama Queen    posted 1 Apr 2015, 09:24 AM

Does this mean there will be no government funding for doing plays from overseas? And what about Shakespeare – and classical ballet and opera? Actually if all that money became available to homegrown theatre, dance and opera … The mind is buzzing!

Michael Smythe                posted 1 Apr 2015, 09:43 AM

Is this a kick in the guts or a ‘Kick it in the guts, Trev’ kick-start for a new era that puts the produce in producer and the culture in agriculture?

John Smythe      posted 1 Apr 2015, 05:59 PM

How interesting – it all played out on Facebook this year. And now I’m back from rehearsal and media interviews … Happy April 1!

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