November 4, 2015


Calling all actors, we need you! We’ve been busy developing some great queer stories and now Legacy Project is looking for actors from all diverse backgrounds and experience to help bring these stories to life. This is your opportunity to be part of Auckland Pride 2016 and perform in a week-long season of six brand new queer works. 

As an inclusive queer theatre project, we have a responsibility to produce work that reflects the diversity of Aotearoa New Zealand, and we encourage and support people of all identities and backgrounds to audition to be part of Legacy Project 3. This includes, but is not limited to: race, culture, gender identity and expression, sex, sexual orientation, age, and disability. 

Auditions will be held on Saturday 5th December and any actors interested in auditioning are also invited to come along to meet our writers and directors during an informal pre-audition info session on Thursday 3rd December. 

For the audition itself, you will need to prepare a brief monologue of your own choosing (no more than 5 minutes) that showcases the kind of material, either dramatic or comedic, you would like to work on. Your audition will be in front of six directors each looking to cast their play – so make sure you show your versatility. 

For more information about the project, check out our website – and to register yourself to audition, go to:  

LEGACY PROJECT is a theatre development programme created to provide a platform for emerging writers within our LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and trans) community to create short theatrical works that express our unique Kiwi voices. 

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