March 10, 2016

FIRST ANNUAL BASEMENT HUI – Weds March 16 at 7:30pm 

Dear Friends, 

You are all invited to a discussion of the future of the Basement Theatre on Weds March 16 at 7:30pm.  

What is the Basement up to now?

Where are we going next? What are the gaps in the industry?  
How can contribute more meaningfully to Auckland’s creative ecology?

All these questions and more will be answered (or at least discussed in depth) next Wednesday at the first annual Basement Hui!

The format of the night will be a presentation from the Basement team about the current offering that the Basement provides for the industry and where we see this evolving over the next three years. This will be followed by a round table discussion of the plans involving all present. We literally cannot do it without you, so whether you’re an artist, fan, or general Basement loiterer, come and contribute to the discussion as we lay out our vision for the next three years of Basementeering. 

Be there or be strategically uninvolved in the Basement’s future!

The Basement  

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