May 29, 2016

Gish & the Mincer

Sear Bear             posted 29 May 2016, 11:28 AM

My husband and I ventured out to the Beachlands Chartered Club last night to see an intimate gig with comedians Gish & the Mincer.  These guys are both seriously funny and largely go about taking the mickey out of Maori stereotypes through music.  Because Gish & the Mincer both have Maori cultural heritage it’s deemed acceptable for them to do this so I don’t have a problem with it if they don’t.  In reality though what we had was a bunch of obnoxious Pakeha’s cracking up at their Maori stereotype jokes but let me tell you that the folks at the Beachlands Chartered Club were a friggin’ disgrace and they are the ones who we should be making comedy out of.  Several times throughout the show, the performers had to stop and ask people to stop talking so much at the bar area because it was detracting from their performance and it was pretty relentless.  There were a number of patrons who just didn’t get it, even though we had Gish counting 1-2-3 leading up to the entire room screaming “Shut the F!@# up!!!” at these blind drunk imbeciles who couldn’t even pay attention to the show or have the decency to go away and let others enjoy the performance.

What needs to be addressed is the licensing and management of the club with bar staff pouring alcohol straight down the throats of these monsters who were already clearly drunk as skunks.

My husband’s description of the night was along the lines of “the venue could be likened to Moss Eisley space port as you could not find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy” and “I felt ashamed to be part of the human race”.  “If I had a light-saber I would surely have struck many down”

Gish finished off the show by telling the audience that we were awesome and I’m pretty certain that was a blatant lie because I know I was totally embarrassed to be a part of this crowd of disrespectful, self-important individuals.  Anyway, Gish & the Mincer are cool guys so they probably just take it in their stride but some respect for these performers when they’re doing their thing would have been awesome.

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