June 10, 2016

RIGHT ON THE NIGHT Serial: Old News Season Two

RNZ Drama (Wellington) seeks active audiences on Monday evenings, 13 June – 6 August

Are you keen to be part of the interactive audience for the RNZ audio drama Right On The Night?

Recorded live every Monday night with a studio audience in the RNZ studios, Wellington and delivered the very same night on the Nights program on RNZ National.

The ‘Audible Audience’ is part of the action providing bit-part characters, sound effects and Foley as required.

It’s a great chance to learn mic technique, get your voice on the air and have your name on an RNZ drama.

Also you get pizza. 

Starting Monday 18 June, the RNZ Drama Team will record a new episode of Old News every Monday night.

They have 8 episodes and you can apply to come to one, or some, or all of them.

You would be required from 5.30pm-8.30pm.

The episode goes to air at 9.15 on Nights with Bryan Crump on RNZ National.

Sound good?
Then email rightonthenight@radionz.co.nz and ask for an application form! 

See link below for more info about the project.


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