October 27, 2016


Hey beautiful artists, producers, crew & industry folk of Auckland and beyond, 

It’s us, Auckland Fringe. Sorry about the silence but you might’ve heard the news, we didn’t get the funding we needed to make the 2017 festival. Yup, that’s right, nada funding for Fringe. We know you know the feeling!

But you know what, it got us thinking and here’s what we reckon – when you have such an awesome bunch of artists who have already demonstrated they want do this thing, why would you not!! So damn it we’re going back to the roots of Fringe, we’re going low-fi and making the artists – you guys! – the heart of it. The fringiest fringe of the fringes!

We’ve decided we don’t want to lie down and face the alternative of no Auckland Fringe in 2017. We’ve decided we want to stand up, turn our faces to the wind and make it go off a treat! We are going to do what you guys do every single time – pare it back, get the right folk behind you, work crazy long hours and be there from the first meeting to the last minute scramble for that AV cable you didn’t know you needed… but heck, we’ll get you to opening night and you know it’ll be worth it!

By dazzling Auckland with how many awesome artists we have in the region, we’ll prove how worthy Fringe is and get the support we need to make the best possible fest for you going forward – time and time again.

So here’s what you’ll get by being involved in Auckland Fringe 2017 under what we’re fondly calling Option F:

Lower registration fees
Just enough to cover the director keeping a roof over her head each week & some canned tuna for lunch.

Digital brochure through the website
Green as. NZ Tourism will be pleased.

Social media support & promotion
We’ve found that social media is one of the most effective ways of reaching audiences and bonus points, it’s also the cheapest.

Publicity for the festival at large
And thus you guys too. Although we can’t afford a full campaign, we will be sending out a media release for the festival & will help connect the media up with artists.

Advice on all things
Including producing / marketing / development & more. Let’s share those skills!

Networking opportunities through Fringe organised industry events.
Elevating e-mail addresses to real life face-to-face goodness.

Industry awareness of you and your thing
We’ll help connect you & suggest who you should hit up for future opportunities!

Touring advice & networks
Nationally & internationally – Fringes, Comedy Fests & more.

Development opportunities
Through awards including the Auckland Live Development Award & workshops.

An awesome buzz & bonding time with the community
We’re talking beers, let’s be honest. And maybe even a bbq.

Support and love in you & your risk taking
We’re right behind you, let’s do this crazy thing!

Although Option F doesn’t have the same level of marketing support as previous festivals, we believe that keeping Auckland Fringe an all-inclusive, artist driven festival is SUPER important. We want to hear from you, the artists, and create a festival that reflects what you want and need (in a low-cost, low-fi, full of love kind of way!). We want your support and we want your feedback. Talk to us, let us know where you’re at.   

Together, we can make the 2017 Auckland Fringe the most artist driven, open-access Fringe on the planet. Time to get on with it, there’s work to be done. Let us know if you’re with us – we’d love to hear from you!

Lydia Zanetti

Director of Auckland Fringe / General Arts Dogsbody 

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