December 20, 2017


Manawatū’s professional theatre Centrepoint is hosting its wildly popular summer school in Palmerston North and Whanganui in January 2018.

The week-long performance workshop is led by trained practitioners, designed to give aspiring performers, aged 13 to 18, an introduction to some of the essentials for theatre.

Students try their hands at a range of fun and exciting theatre skills, from movement and singing, to stage combat and acting for stage and camera.

“My child was excited to go every morning and happy every afternoon when we picked him up,” one mother of a previous student told us. “He learned some new theatre strategies and he showed them off well in the final performance.”

For 2018, actor and theatre maker Will Moffatt will be the school’s main tutor. Moffatt is a graduate of Toi Whakaari: New Zealand Drama School and Victoria University, and trained at Lee Strasberg Theatre & Film Institute in New York.

Students will also be taught improvisation by Centrepoint’s Artistic Director Dan Pengelly and singing by General Manager Kate Louise Elliott.

“One of my earliest experiences as a young artist was attending a week long summer school with other students who were just like me,” says Pengelly. “We want to create opportunities for young people to learn acting skills, grow their performance muscles with like-minded people, and explore their creative abilities in a supportive environment.”

Centrepoint’s summer school is a great introduction to theatre training for all those drama-mad teenagers out there.

For ages 13-18
• $250

Palmerston North
• 15 – 19 January 2018, 9AM-3PM
• Centrepoint Theatre, 280 Church St

• 22 – 26 January 2018, 9AM-3PM
• Amdram Theatre, 171 Guyton St

To register, visit 

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