March 31, 2020

SGCNZ’s 2020 Regional University of Otago Sheilah Winn Shakespeare Festivals  


Respecting the many hours of work the students, teachers and other directors have spent rehearsing their scenes for SGCNZ’s 2020 Regional University of Otago Sheilah Winn Shakespeare Festivals, and to address the restrictions caused by COVID-19, a creative way has been devised through the schools supplying their scenes on film this year. More students will be able to be involved, as those in Media Studies will also have roles to play.  

Schools and HomeSchool Clusters are sending their films to Glass Gecko Films, which is working closely with SGCNZ to facilitate the methodology. Some have been sent already. The rest will have a month from whenever the lock-down ends and schools return. These will be put into a closed YouTube channel for private viewing by the Assessors in each of the 24 Regions at a realistic time after they have been loaded. As if at the actual Festivals, a 5 minute and 15 minute scene still selected for the National Festival.  

With the banning of performances in the Michael Fowler Centre for an indeterminate amount of time, the National Festival will take place the same way.  

“What a great idea – think of the incredible learning resource that will be generated from this approach too,” said Adrienne Miller, “Perhaps a broadcaster can be persuaded to live stream the national event.”  

The selection of a Direct-Entry student for SGCNZ’s National Shakespeare Schools Production week-long intensive, this year in Dunedin from 24 September to 4 October, will also be made as previously from each Regional Festival and the rest to total 46 young actors and student directors will be made from the e-National Festival.  

“This will mean Year 13 students will still have a chance of going to not only SGCNZ NSSP, but also be chosen as members of SGCNZ Young Shakespeare Company 2021, both constantly described as ‘life-changing experiences’,” remarked SGCNZ CEO Dawn Sanders.  

The Workshops scheduled to be held at the National Festival will be offered in different format and timing later in the year.  

In the meantime, it is the perfect time for the young people with allied arts skills to enter SGCNZ’s Costume design, Music Composition, Static Image, Poster and Video Title Card Designs and Essay Competitions. These entries are currently due by 11 May, though this will no doubt also be pushed out to when couriers can practically catch up. Meanwhile, they are perfect activities to undertake whilst in enforced isolation. Multiple entries in several categories are encouraged!  

The brightest heaven of invention! Henry V  

For further information contact:
Dawn Sanders ONZM, QSM
SGCNZ CEO M: 027 283 6016 E:
26 March 2020

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