April 8, 2020



Kia ora koutou, 

We’re now two weeks into lockdown. As an organisation, we’ve been heads down on our mission to understand and address the impact of this very peculiar situation (COVID-19) for the people we serve – the artists of Aotearoa.  

One thing is overwhelmingly clear. Artists need help. Whether it be community connection, financial support, or the opportunity to keep making and showcasing their art to audiences. 


As many of you will know, Boosted is Aotearoa’s only crowdfunding platform dedicated to the arts – and has always been about brokering giving to artists, who in turn give back to us.

On Friday 24 April, we’ll be launching Boosted Live, a place where you can live stream your creative mahi (be it a reading, a ‘living room’ dance, a gig in your bedroom, or a showcase of your creative process) and be fairly remunerated for it. And if creatives just want to live stream (and not raise funds) they can simply choose a low target. If there are some arts organisations or artists that don’t need to raise funds, they might live stream to raise funds for others!

See more on Boosted website

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