19 Tory St, Wellington

07/02/2014 - 11/02/2014

NZ Fringe Festival 2014

Production Details

Four new works. We are emerging artists wanting to get closer to creating the kind of work we want to create. Innovative, interactive, incorporating technology, and inviting the audience to explore their role.

19 Tory St
7.00pm, 7 -11 Feb (100mins)

Theatre ,

1hr 40mins

Two Doods and Two Tests

Review by Maryanne Cathro 07th Feb 2014

What a delightful, engaging experience this show is! I arrive at 19 Tory St, as delightfully random a venue as you are ever going to get.

Two young blokes sitting on couches look at me and ask, “Vegetables?” Now being deeply suspicious as I am of experimental theatre (more “mental” than “experi” in my experi-ence), I am concerned that this is part of the show, but as I am early and there is some kind of vegetable co-op hand-out going on, I get to delight the actors by announcing that I am here for the actual show!

It turns out that there has been a change in the proposed offering, with two doods and two tests. All good.

First up is Jonathan Power reading an original piece to us. It is beautiful, lyrical and engaging, I just wish he’d make eye contact a bit more. Awesome writing though.

Then comes the interactive part. Think of a typical D&D computer game, only the game character is the living, breathing Kenneth Gaffney. The narrator (unidentified) provides the set ups and choices, and solicits choices from the audience. It is a lot of fun! Gaffney is a hilariously sincere character, and because of the way in which the game is structured, an audience could play it over and over again and never get the same result.

These artists are exploring what is possible from audience interaction, and while this approach is relatively safe, it also respects the right of the audience to select their level of participation. But given the relaxed atmosphere of 19 Tory St – the couches and lack of lighting and other devices to fabricate a barrier between us and the actors – it is as comfortable as a family game of charades, if your family contains at least two really good actors, that is!


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