Alexander Sparrow is FRED FROM FEATHERSTON


08/10/2018 - 08/10/2018

Cavern Club, 22 Allen St, Te Aro, Wellington

26/01/2018 - 27/01/2018

Production Details

Want to know what happens in small towns in New Zealand? Get the scandals straight from the horse’s (or bull’s, or pig’s) mouth? Then Fred is the man for you. He’s Featherston’s former #1 male model – just one of his many achievements – and this is his story.

Brought up in a family with many brothers and sisters (only four of whom survived being cut off his back), life was tough. He had to work hard to stand out. In his quest to become Featherston’s #1 everything, he’s tried taxidermy, bartending, and unicycling, and the stories just get weirder the longer you let him run his mouth.

Fred’s been in more than a few “somewhat compromising positions”. Let him fill you in: this is one old man you don’t want to miss.

Opening act: Katie Boyle’s Pat Goldsack

Katie Boyle’s Patricia Goldsack (Pat to her lovers and friends), the octogenarian heiress, has been touring the country for the last four decades with her portable Brothel and Swingers Club, and she has landed in Wellington to make your heads really stand up. On her mission to run away and search for love, she has met many men and women, but she is still never fulfilled. Will she ever be? Are you the one to ful-fill her? Try your luck by seeing her as the opening act of Alexander Sparrow is Fred from Featherston.

Cavern Club
Fri 26 – Sat 27 Feb 2018
7:30PM doors open
8:00PM show starts
Tickets $15 eventfinder / $20 door sales

Palmy Fringe 2018 

“cleverness, charm and a considerable talent” — Theatreview

Monday 8th October 7pm
$20 Full, $15 Concession

Fred From Featherston: Alexander Sparrow
Pat Goldsack: Katie Boyle

Theatre , Solo , Comedy ,


Talent aplenty

Review by Alexandra Bellad-Ellis 09th Oct 2018

Rural New Zealand comedy at its best. Fred, from Featherston, is attempting to be the number one person from his town at everything he can think of. And he can think of many things to be good at, taxidermy and male modelling among them.

The show starts with Fred acting as the usher, moving the audience around until he is satisfied with their positions. He then takes us through the highs, lows (and occasional wardrobe malfunctions) of his various attempts to become world famous in his town.

Most of the stories swing back to his rather complicated family, containing many brothers and sisters, only four of whom survived being cut off his back. Or his predisposition for getting himself into compromising situations late at night after partying too hard.

Fred loves to talk and will address members of the audience by name throughout the show. But in the end Fred learns that perhaps being the best at everything is not all it’s cracked up to be. 

Alexander is a talented actor, bringing his characters to life fully, never falling out of character whatever happens. Fred from Featherston is presented as part of the Alexander Sparrow Season. He will be presenting several shows staring various characters over the next week (including Donald Trump and the Marquise De Sade) and is well worth going to see. 


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Off-the-wall characters

Review by Margaret Austin 27th Jan 2018

The first time I saw Alexander Sparrow on stage was when he inhabited the highly controversial character of the Marquis de Sade. He took on the persona and views of a largely vilified character and made him if not acceptable at least interesting, and even entertaining.

Now, in his characterisation of ‘Fred from Featherston’, on his first night at the Cavern Bar, he takes a not exactly likeable character and gifts the audience with an irresistibly true-to-life portrayal of Fred: larger than life, gruff-voiced and redolent with familial anecdotes which serve his main theme as Featherston’s former … whatever.

What this reviewer appreciates most is that this performance piece is not necessarily designed or played for laughs. Fred, in some ways a reminder of Barry Humphries’ character Sir Les Patterson, does not put laughs first. He’s cheerfully vulgar and his monologue is true to character, with whatever that brings to the story.  He is unashamedly himself – like it or lump it. 

We don’t often recognise black humour. Sparrow is good at it – “I’m a Number 1 Jam Jar Collector” he declares, as a preface to telling us he’s preserved a relative. There’s surrealism too – when the monologue turns to moths.

We are held – sometimes bemusedly – captive for the 45 minutes of Sparrow’s performance. His delivery techniques – short sentences, minimal movement, pause, and repeated lines – skilfully capture Fred’s eagerness to tell us about the “somewhat compromising positions” he’s found himself in.

Alexander Sparrow is impressive physically. He’s tall, big framed, and blonde(d). Add to that cleverness, charm and a considerable talent for inhabiting off-the-wall characters and you have a recipe for entertainment.

Sparrow’s performance is preceded by a short burst from Katie Boyle’s Patricia Goldsack, who tours with her Brothel and Swingers’ Club. In amongst safety formalities, we are regaled with references to deep heat and food porn. She gains audience rapport with ease, and some of them are happy to be messed with.  


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