As You Like It

Globe Theatre, 104 London St, Dunedin

18/05/2023 - 27/05/2023

Production Details

Writer - William Shakespeare
Director - Thomas Makinson

Globe Theatre Dunedin

The Globe Theatre presents Shakespeare’s most musical and most queer comedy.

Fleeing to the forest of Arden after being banished from her uncle’s court, Rosalind disguises herself as a shepherd boy, Ganymede. While in disguise, Rosalind runs into her admirer Orlando, and attempts to make him fall for her- all whilst Orlando believes that Ganymede is here to cure him of his love-sickness.

As you Like it subverts the traditional rules of romance. Gender roles, nature and politics are confused in a play that reflects on how bewildering yet utterly pleasurable life can be. This time with a retro-modern feel, and delightful queer twists.

Snappy original compositions from musical director Tobias Devereux lift Shakespeare’s words from the page and punctuate the show with a bright and jovial energy, while an energetic and dedicated cast bring each character to life under the skillful and caring direction of Thomas Makinson and Penelope Hare.

The Globe Theatre, 104 London St
Thurs 18 – Fri 19 May 2023 at 7.30pm
Sat 20 – Sun 21 May at 2pm
Tues 23 – Sat 27 May at 7.30pm
Bookings at

Rosalind - Maegan Stedman-Ashford
Orlando - Patricia Pantleon
Celia - River Charteris-Wright
Olivia - Evelyn Virens
Jaques - Craig Storey
Touchstone - Daniel Cromar
Adam - Gareth Evans
Duke Frederick/Senior - Brent Caldwell
Charles/Silvius - Calum Beck
Phebe - AJ Keable
Corin - Daniel McClymont
Le Beau/Amiens - Sacha McConnon
Audrey - April McMillan Perkins
Dennis/Jacques de Boys/Orlando understudy - Rio Futschek Ryan
William - Ethan Bremner
Sir Oliver Martext/Hymen - Jacob Blomfield
First Lord - Adam Dempsey
Second Lord - Sam Mehrtens
First Page/Celia understudy - Georgia Moynihan
Second Page/Dennis understudy/Jacques de Boys understudy - Reuben Hilder
Page understudy/Audrey understudy - Josephine Tarasiewicz

Assistant Director - Penelope Hare
Musical Director - Tobias Devereux
Stage Manager - Jess Keogh
Production Manager - Warren Chambers
Production Manager - Kay Masters
Technical Supervisor - Brian Byas
Front of House Manager - Leanne Byas
Set - Warren Chambers, Adam Dempsey, Kay Masters, Maegan Stedman-Ashford, Thomas Makinson, Brian Byas
Costumes - Cast
Lighting - Brian Byas, Phil Glassey, Kieran Power, Drew White, and Rosemary Manjunath
Sound - Cast
Props - Cast
Intimacy Coordination - Maegan Stedman-Ashford
Publicity - Jess Keogh, Thomas Makinson

Theatre ,

Approx. 3 hours incl. interval


Review by Barbara Frame 21st May 2023

What do the 1970s and Shakespeare’s As You Like It have in common?

At the Globe Theatre, a lot. For the initial court scenes, we’re in the glam-rock era: the skin-tight shiny pants, the glitter, David Bowie. When the action moves to the Forest of Arden, the performers do an onstage mass costume change and suddenly everyone’s a hippie: flared corduroys, beads, bare feet. The shiny white set transforms easily into a one-tree forest, with clever lighting creating impressions of leaf-dappled sunlight.

In this astonishingly inventive production, Shakespeare’s words blend seamlessly with 20th century expressions and gestures, gender fluidity is multilayered and the 20-plus cast displays endless energy and boundless enthusiasm.

All performances are highly skilled and detailed. [More]


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Skilful integration of musical elements enhances the emotional depth and comedic moments, eliciting laughter, introspection and appreciation

Review by Alison Embleton 21st May 2023

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of attending As You Like It at Dunedin’s Globe Theatre, which marks the long-awaited return of Shakespeare’s work to this venue after a hiatus of over four years. Directed by the talented Thomas Makinson, this community theatre production gathers a remarkable ensemble cast of over twenty gifted individuals, as well as a similarly sizeable crew, each contributing their unique talents to bring the play to life. 

Stepping into the theatre, my attention is instantly captivated by the striking set design. The stark white walls and polished flooring provide a clean and minimalist backdrop, allowing the vibrant lighting design to take centre stage. The cast and crew showcase exceptional creativity in their approach to costuming, makeup, and styling, embracing a captivating 70s and 80s glam aesthetic. This infusion of visual flair adds a touch of captivating Bowie-esq vibrancy, making each scene visually mesmerising.

A true highlight of this production is the seamless coordination and unity displayed by the ensemble cast. Each actor has their moment to shine, never overshadowing one another, but rather creating a harmonious and inclusive performance space. It is evident that the actors not only love what they do but also share a deep understanding and respect for the material. Their dedication and passion are infectious, fostering a wonderful camaraderie that resonates with the audience.

This production skilfully leans into the lewd jokes and innuendos of As You Like It, embracing the play’s playful and bawdy elements. The actors’ impeccable timing and delivery bring out the humour in each comedic moment, resulting in uproarious laughter from the audience. This delightful blend of wit and naughtiness adds an extra layer of enjoyment, emphasising Shakespeare’s timeless ability to entertain across centuries.

The gender-blind casting in As You Like It adds an intriguing layer of complexity to the characters and their interactions. The production explores the fluidity of identity, and is a wonderful example of why gender-blind casting is such a great choice, especially in scripts which are traditionally male character-heavy. This thoughtful approach further enhances the play’s themes of love, mistaken identity, and self-discovery. It is a testament to the power of inclusive casting, allowing the audience to view the story through a fresh and contemporary lens.

While the three-hour runtime might initially surprise those more accustomed to contemporary theatre, this full-length production of As You Like It brings a refreshing change. The incorporation of music and songs, curated by musical director Tobias Devereux, adds a dynamic and immersive element, enriching the experience with a melodic charm. The cast skilfully integrates the musical elements, enhancing the emotional depth and comedic moments of the play, eliciting genuine laughter as well as introspection from the audience.

As a self-confessed Shakespeare nerd, I find myself in the company of like-minded individuals who share a genuine, and affectionately dorky appreciation for the Bard’s work. The audience’s familiarity with the material fosters a palpable connection between themselves and the cast. This sense of camaraderie creates a warm and engaging atmosphere, allowing for moments of shared laughter, gasps, and applause.

For those eager to experience this captivating production, I am thrilled to inform you that it runs until the 27th of May. I wholeheartedly recommend attending As You Like It at The Globe Theatre for an enchanting evening filled with laughter, memorable performances, and thought-provoking themes. Prepare to be transported into a world where Shakespeare’s words, skilful performances, and the creative choices of the production team converge, leaving you with a renewed appreciation for the enduring beauty of his work. 


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