Basement Theatre Studio, Lower Greys Ave, Auckland

07/03/2017 - 11/03/2017

Auckland Fringe 2017

Production Details


Our Studio is transformed into a Performance Salon – think Moulin Rouge at the beach – where works of all kinds will pop up around you as you lounge, drink, and explore. It’s like a big party and a place of discovery all in one – performances are tested and evolved as you wander, observe, and partake. Something is always on, and music, projection, and activities fill in the gaps between performances.

Billie Staple’s PIG is about consent, consent, consent, evoking your anger, igniting your hope and leaving you smiling in the dark at that darkest parts of our humanity. In I AM WHO, Jasmine Donald performs a playful look into her mind, questioning through dance and video the conversations that go on between the mind and the body. Johanna Cosgrove brings in her real actual aunt to sit on a deck chair and order you around in AUNTY, exploring differences in mentalities across generations. In WHAT’S WRONG WITH THE LIGHT? Kate Bartlett and Tallulah Holly-Massey explore escapism by moving, talking, and placing their way across a room to reach fresh air. NO/I/SE(LF) is an exploration of sound in space (with or without bodies) created by Thomas Press and Virginia Frankovich. Plus LITTLE SISTER is still going strong.



$5 plus koha for GA
$20 limited reserved seats

Theatre , Physical , Performance installation , Performance Art , Dance , Comedy ,

4 hours

Wellingon City Council
Aotearoa Gaming Trust
Creative NZ
Auckland City Council
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